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Newsletter 30.05.2003 MB Development

Welcome to the latest MB Developments email newsletter.

It's been a while since the last one but we're trying to make more of a commitment to keep everyone up to date with what we are up to, as well as trying to keep the site up to date.

We are currently in discussion with several manufacturers to bring Lambretta firmly into the 21st Century.

We are in the process of getting our new exhausts made in stainless steel in England.

This is because of health problems with our previous manufacturer, they just didn't have the staff to cover the absent staff member so they conceded they couldn't make our exhaust systems.

Our new supplier has 8 people making exhausts for them full time!

As well as that we are working on a range of British made forged pistons.

These pistons are rated up to 200hp (more than a Lambretta will ever make) and will be available in a range of sizes from 62mm right through to 72mm in steps of 0.5mm.

They will all work with a standard 58mm stroke crank with a 107mm conrod so there will be no need for the conrod conversion often needed when doing a conversion.

The siting of the ring pegs will suit all Lambretta barrels so there will be no need for re-pegging the piston or having your boost port welded up to suit your piston. Our pistons will suit your barrel!

It is possible we will also launch a range of super P200 pistons for all sizes from standard, Polini and Malossi through to our Suzuki 220. The Vespa range will definitely depend on demand - we'd have to know people would buy them before we make them, whereas the Lambretta ones are definitely in the pipeline.

Finally we are in discussion with a major European crankshaft manufacturer and we are going to launch a vastly improved Lambretta crankshaft.

We are planning to make a GP200 crankshaft that will come in 58 and 60mm stroke versions and will have 107 and 110mm conrods.

The manufacture and parts used will be significantly improved and will eliminate the problems that are seen with cranks spinning out of alignment.

They will basically be "off the shelf" version of the handbuilt cranks that Mark makes to order but will be cheaper.

Our range of stainless steel products continues to grow, most recently we have finished the "set" of crankcase caps so we now do the filler, level and drain plugs in stainless steel.

Other recent products include the metal frame cable ties, GP200 airhose bellow clips, disc backplate 12mm studs, rear brake pedal clamp kits, rear brake pedal overhaul kits (spring, washers, circlips, nylon bush), clutch arm springs, rear brake pedal springs, GP side panel springs, stand springs, exhaust springs and the large springs for single saddle type seats. ALL in high quality stainless steel.

Why not email us to ask for a price list?

Other general news is that Mark and Martin and still extremely busy over in the workshop and Ian, Debbie and Phil are still busy in the shop.

The online shop at www.lambrettaspares.com is still in the pipeline but while Ian keeps getting diverted to help in the shop the website gets neglected.

Why not visit it and add it to your bookmarks. We will of course keep you up to date with progress on the site.


Viel Lambretta BlaBla :-D:-( , die für Vespafahrer interessante Passage habe ich hervorgehoben.

Vielleicht interessiert es ja jemanden und nimmt mal Kontakt zu MB auf. Ich hab ja keine Largeframe. :-(

Infos können ja hier gepostet werden.




Öhm, der Babelfisch ist mir leider aus dem Ohr gefallen und ich habe leichte Verständnisprobleme da sich mein technisches Englisch auf Elektronik bezieht - was heiß es denn jetzt auf gut deutsch???


Naja, das MB Kolben für Lamy auflegen lässt und es generell auch möglich wäre Kolben für PX Originalzylinder, Polini 213, Malossi 211, Malossi/ Suzuki 220 zu fertigen.

Das hängt aber von der Nachfrage ab und der definitiven Bestellung.

Nicht wörtlich übersetzt.



It is possible we will also launch a range of super P200 pistons for all sizes from standard, Polini and Malossi through to our Suzuki 220. The Vespa range will definitely depend on demand - we'd have to know people would buy them before we make them, whereas the Lambretta ones are definitely in the pipeline.

Grob gesagt. Die neuen Kolben gibts erstmal nur für Kettenfahrzeuge. Wenn die Nachfrage stimmt lassen se auch welche für PX standart bis 220 Mallossi/suzuki Conversion produzieren.


Für Lambretta Fahrer ist da ja einiges drin ,

Max Bratwurst kann ja direkt nen verbesserten 210er malossi entwickeln :-D:-(

Mal abwarten was sich da tut, denke das nat. erst Lambretta Teile auf dem Markt erscheinen..


dieses gerücht geistert schon länger herum, ist mir seit etwa '98 bekannt,...gescheitert ist das ganze bisher wohl an der zu kleinen Stückzahl, um eine preiswerte Fertigung zu ermöglichen und zu rechtfertigen! So wie's aussieht, hat sich also in den Jahren hier nichts geändert....

Sollte sich eines der größeren Shops in D oder auch I oder F da anhängen, sehe ich durchaus Realiseirungschancen, ansonsten ist das Risko für MB alleine wohl zu groß!


Und da stell ich mir die Frage, warum man bei dem beschissenen Pfund-Kurs ausgerechnet in England seine Kolben bestellen sollte.....wo man die beim Worbel wahrscheinlich zu nem (zugegebenermaßen sauteurem) Kurs machen lassen kann.......billiger ist MB sicher auch nicht.

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