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Empfohlene Beiträge


Man sollte mal wieder back to the roots...früher hat der gute Grundig Fernseher noch locker 10 Jahre seinen Dienst verrichtet, heute ist der ganze Dreck aus Taiwan etc. nach der Garantiezeit im Sack...ok. für uns etwas jüngere Menschen ein Grund ne neue größere Kiste zu kaufen, aber für die ältere Generation, denen Technik etc. ladde ist, nervig und kostspielig...aber dies nur so am Rande...


desshalb hast du auch eine Leica Digicam und nicht ein allerweltsding ausm MediaMarkt und trägst auch nur schuhe vom Schuster und nicht Sambas aus Malaysia oder China? und im Wohnzimmer steht natürlich ein Lenuss Fernseher.

ganz erlich ich find das Topic im allgemeinen hier schon ein bissl heuchlerisch

ich bin mir nicht sicher ob die ganzen aufsprecher hier eine kritische betrachtung ihrer ideale angewand aufs eigene handeln standhalten würden.

und ich nimm mich selbst da ja auch net aus.

bin gerade beim kaufen eines neuen Flats, und werden wirds wohl ein Samsung und kein Lenus -Made in Suedtirol-

das liegt einfach daran dass ich keine 2000+ Oiros zur verfügung habe.

und der in den Neuigkeiten vorgestellte ansauger, ganz erlich

ich find den nichtmahl so schlecht, muss nur noch das Gummi halten,



Mit ein bisserl schauen, kann man ja durchaus noch qualitätsprodukte made in europe um einen erschwinglichen Preis ergattern, und nebenbei werden die leica-photoapparate auch nicht nur in europa hergestellt.


Hi Randal,

What I was saying is that we do take great pride in our production standards and finished products. You are saying, that it is all somewhat overrated. Fact is, that given the choice between a household appliance by Miele/Bosch, etc and something called Hyungsang, or similar, the German product, if affordable, will in most cases be the wiser choice. This comes down to the old German trading rule: the wise merchant is far too poor to buy something cheap. Or, in other words, 3 pairs of shoes simultaneously will last as long as 5 pairs of shoes consecutively (Fact!).

As a critical consumer, I often find myself buying German products for want of better options. Germans, with their newly found love for the environment, are by and large coming to terms with their traditional ethics, because the blend of longterm economy and ecological reasoning does make perfect sense to us. This goes against your philosophy, which is to provide products that are readily available at a low price. This is commonly known over here as "Ex & Hopp" or "Geiz ist geil", and it is increasingly frowned upon. That kind of business will decline sharply in the near future, in fact, a lot of the enterprises following this strategy are struggling already.

You must also consider, that, although potentially the biggest scooter forum in the world (correct me if I'm wrong), this one does appeal first and foremost to the DIY fraternity. Autos were kicked out years ago, and for the average user of this site, the words ASIA and SCOOTER do not go together well. I believe you're in the picture.

Finally, as for our culinary preferences, I would like for you consider, that our, and our less attractive cousins on the island's, national dishes are doener kebab and chicken curry respectively. But I do understand, that the German in general is still defined by images of Oompah music, lederhosen, sausages and octoberfest in many parts of the world.

My suggestion: come visit, spend a week or two with your worst enemies (amicably, of course) and learn, what we expect from a good deal.


Great Info !

In which direction sits the valve ? Will it suck or blow ? Like your inventive Ignition ?

Randall, please no more marketing this way, we´re well-humoured, but you´re taking it to the max..

Your prices are unbeatable, and you´ve got lots of customers, flys do eat shit.......


I'm just saying there are good products made everywhere, that's all, nothing special about one country.

>>Germans...traditional ethics... longterm economy... ecological reasoning. This goes against your philosophy, which is to provide products that are readily available at a low price.

Huh??? You seem to be thinking of disposable plastic razors. We make scooter parts, the same way as any German or other scooter company. Our prices are just lower because we sell direct from our own factory, no middlemen.

>>spend a week or two with your worst enemies

What enemies??? The few nationalists on forums in any country are silly to everyone, but Germans are amongst our biggest customers in the world. We love Germany. :wacko:


>>no more marketing this way, we´re well-humoured, but you´re taking it to the max.

Do you post the exact same thing when SCK, LTH, and other German shops discuss new items on a forum about new items? No? You only attack foreigners? Only on forums or...?

Nationalism is silly. If not interested, just ignore it and leave everyone else in peace. :wacko:




of couse you should also be allowed to present your new products here like all the other shops. You are right!

But please leave out this most insulting "nationalism" bullshit! This should not be the place for those very primitive attacks!



Thanks for taking in valid points, rather than using this site for cheap advertising and selfpromotion... NOT! I think you should start your own topic here, where you can have repetitive monologues with yourself. There's so much that I could say just about the few lines that you have just dropped, but I am not going to get into that. I believe I do speak for a lot of people here, when I say:

Don't call us, baby, we'll call you....!

(please do not reply to this message)

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

>>Will it suck or blow ?

In the spirit of equality: I heard SCK Phillip sucks and blows. Not sure the price, though. :wacko:

>>of couse you should also be allowed to present your new products here like all the other shops. You are right!

Thanks. I'm sure 99% of people agree.

>>But please leave out this most insulting "nationalism" bullshit! This should not be the place for those very primitive attacks!

You can see yourself there is nothing in our post about that at all.

It was only mentioned after and about Sukram's hypocritical attack on foreigners only. (And elsewhere when people say one thing about Europeans and the exact opposite about foreigners.)

Don't you agree it is better to tell those people that this is "not the place for those very primitive attacks!" rather than complain if someone points it out?

I would be very embarrassed if, every time SCK or LTH posted on a Vietnamese forum, they were attacked by a few silly Vietnamese nationalists. I would hope the Vietnamese forum moderator would tell people to grow up and not worry if someone comes from Europe, or pretend everything from Asia is better, but to apply one standard to all equally.


Bearbeitet von scootRS.com

Which two girls? The girls holding the calendar or the girls beside the bigbutt-Vespa?

Same 2 models. They stopped by the house to get a copy of the calendar.

where can i order this two girls?

link please, how much are the shipping costs?

Wrong type of website - and girls! :wacko: Both married now to guys who lived here. So maybe if you move here for a while...


kann mal jemand dem armen, komplexbeladenen teilelieferanten aus fernost erklären, dass dieses "alle-deutschen-sind-nazis"-gelaber kombiniert mit "deutsche shops verkaufen auch mal kacke, also dürfen wir das auch"-gejammer in diesem topic wenig bis gar nichts zu suchen hat? mein englisch reicht dafür leider nicht aus...



Anyway, you forgot to mention the concern e-mail I wrote to you like 1,5 years ago.

But there is a HUGE difference between a "concern" and the facts, right? The fact is there has never been a single problem. The facts prove it is NOT dangerous, so you can't go around saying the opposite.

Of course we always improve things over time. All companies should. Some of that comes through feedback, so if you emailed a suggestion, thank you. I don't usually read email myself but they all get looked at by someone and considered. We value what customers say and often make new items or changes based on suggestions from customers.

The new version is a small improvement on the old one, basically with bearings all around the bracket. Doesn't change the braking really, just a bit smoother and you can always replace the bearings.



>>dass dieses "alle-deutschen-sind-nazis"-gelaber kombiniert mit "deutsche shops verkaufen auch mal kacke

No one said anything about Nazis. ??? And no one said anything bad about products from German shops. ??? Bad translation?

All we said is: apply one standard to everyone equally. That's it. :wacko:


But there is a HUGE difference between a "concern" and the facts, right? The fact is there has never been a single problem. The facts prove it is NOT dangerous, so you can't go around saying the opposite.

Of course we always improve things over time. All companies should. Some of that comes through feedback, so if you emailed a suggestion, thank you. I don't usually read email myself but they all get looked at by someone and considered. We value what customers say and often make new items or changes based on suggestions from customers.

The new version is a small improvement on the old one, basically with bearings all around the bracket. Doesn't change the braking really, just a bit smoother and you can always replace the bearings.



>>dass dieses "alle-deutschen-sind-nazis"-gelaber kombiniert mit "deutsche shops verkaufen auch mal kacke

No one said anything about Nazis. ??? And no one said anything bad about products from German shops. ??? Bad translation?

All we said is: apply one standard to everyone equally. That's it. :wacko:

There´s an ape juggling with Bananas, while you´re talking with me!


kann den endlich mal jemand von den moderatoren rauswerfen. der nervt doch nur und müllt dieses und andere topics zu. es muss nicht immer alles politisch korrekt oder basisdemokratisch sein, also gebt euch einen ruck.


All we said is: apply one standard to everyone equally. That's it. :wacko:

Theree is a standard.... but you are out (by yourself)

there are mates from far away who are very welcome here...

A forum is often like a little child -> the use insulting language --> the truth

you are not worth then others, but very most others are much better ;-)

I dont like your products!


nur weil westerwelle und oettinger zu dämlich sind englisch (achtung weltsprache...) zu sprechen und unsereins hin und wieder nicht einmal fähig korrektes deutsch an den tag zu legen (damit meine ich auch dialekte, bin dabei aber selbst ein schwarzes schaf), darf man sich jetzt anmaßen sätze rauszuhauen wie;" deutsches forum deutsche sprache!"... ;-)

vergegenwärtige DU DIR mal folgendes: german scooter forum... :wacko:

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