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Randalboy, why don't you show us some new pics of your unique reed manifold? It's the easiest way to proof your statement. :thumbsdown:

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Ich würde lieber Bilder der Zeitmaschine sehen, mit der Randale in der Zeit zurückgereist ist, um den Sauger vorzukonstruieren.....

Diese Unfähigkeit Raum/Zeitabläufe zu verstehen, erklärt, warum soviel Scheiße aus dem Laden kommt, der entweder nicht passt, oder technisch unausgegoren ist.

Was aber noch mehr nervt ist, das Leute, die ich kenne als Nationalisten/Rassisten bezeichnet werden, von jemandem der mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit alle europäischen Umwelt/Arbeitsschutz/Sicherheitsauflagen erfüllt, und dies natürlich auch bei seinen Zulieferern kontrolliert, da er ja in den asiatischen Raum ausgewandert ist, um den Menschen dort zu helfen.

Please Randal - continue to disgrace yourself and your shop, your "Style" will help many to open their eyes, what crap you are producing and distributing ! :thumbsdown:

Edith hat gesehen, das der arme Junge müde war nächtens, und eine falsche Vokabel nutzte....

Bearbeitet von sukram

:thumbsdown: können wir das mit dem Böhse Onkelz Topic verbinden? Die Diskussionen laufen fast aufs gleicher Ergebnis raus.

Also: Ich möchte mehr Böhse Onkelz hören, wenn ich die Pakete mit kopierten und trotzdem nicht richtig passenden Teilen öffne :crybaby:


:thumbsdown: können wir das mit dem Böhse Onkelz Topic verbinden? Die Diskussionen laufen fast aufs gleicher Ergebnis raus.

Also: Ich möchte mehr Böhse Onkelz hören, wenn ich die Pakete mit kopierten und trotzdem nicht richtig passenden Teilen öffne :crybaby:

Du hast aber mal wirklich Eier in der Hose!!!!!!!!!


"Adamboy", I'm sure people who are open-minded and offended by forum pogroms have read that we have a few versions coming out, including Vespa. As released you'll see each of them.

Until then, I'd ask you to ask yourself honestly how all of our different versions can all be copies of one LTH item (we don't even have). And how we copied LTH's 3.0 before LTH even came out with their 3.0.

Please also think honestly about where you say the same things about Marco and his reed-valve. I just read on the SCK website that Marco's reed-valve follows on MBD's and others. So was Marco a "thieving liar", as amazombi says? MBD's new reed-valve follows on LTH's fit. Is Mark at MBD a "thieving liar" too?

If not, can you think honestly about why only shops in Asia can't make new products that are similar to others, but LTH/SCK/MBD/AF/etc. can? No one has exclusive rights to make a reed-valve and, again, LTH wasn't the first and they (and other Euro shops) have made many products similar to other people's, including ours.

Fact: these are the absolute best years ever in terms of what is available to scooterists and much of that is thanks to Asia! Anyone who looks at it fairly and honestly would have to agree that capitalism is working exactly as it is supposed to and benefiting scooterists around the world. As in other industries, the worst thing possible for scooterists would be nationalistic protectionism.


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

By the way, here's another of our prototypes in the shop that will come out soon and help lots of scooterists around the world. Hopefully not also a problem for anyone there who did one before.





Bearbeitet von scootRS.com

By the way, here's another of our prototypes in the shop that will come out soon and help lots of scooterists around the world. Hopefully not also a problem for anyone there who did one before.





apart from this whole, kind of odd discussion:

to me it's really hillarious,

that you now go and post your new prototypes

directly in a topic called "copies, plagiarism and rip-offs".



That's the point! :thumbsdown: Because the topic makes no sense, it is obviously a double standard.

Some will attack foreigners for this CDI prototype or reed-valves or cylinders or whatever else so as to protect a friend, but everyone else will understand that making new items/variations is beneficial to scooterists around the world, and that that's why we now have the best selection of parts in the history of these old scooters.

Scooterists should hope 10 more shops make reed-valve kits, not attack anyone for doing it.


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Excuse the choosen wishy-washy words for my question. I didn’t thought about your lack of time to read all of the postings and reflect about them.

I would be happy to see new details of this manifold (no other manifold, no other product):


Please show something to stop this boring and monotonous conversation.

Bearbeitet von Adam
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Ihr seid alle so unfair ! Immer davon auszugehen das jeder auf dem selben Niveau boxt, ist wirklich arrogant. Inzwischen dürfte ja klar sein, das der Randale weder das technische KnoffHoff hat, hier mitzureden, und mal ganz abgesehen vom Übersetzungsproblem, ist der auch sonst nicht auf der Höhe.

Also heißt es fair sein, und ihn da abzuholen, wo er steht.

Fangen wir also nochmal von vorne an !

Hy Randall - this might all sound complicated to you, and the translation is just one point of it.

Let´s start where it all begins, so that you get the same level, we are on. Here is a little advertisment, which I found last weekend in Edinborough ( well, the barman of the pub I sat in , gave it to me...).

But I think it´s very helpful - the implicated philosphical question is - What was first, the lambretta , or the Fabergé-Egg.



When we´ve completed this chapter, we definetly have to talk about your capitalism-theorie. I´m interested, if your theorie implicates a teleological direction, and what this will look like.

And on the non-theoretical part, what part your scam-bills to cheat the customs do play in this context? :thumbsdown:

Bearbeitet von sukram
  • 2 Wochen später...

yeah, there is nothing better than proper R&D:



Just a question but the fly wheel in the picture looks like the vains will be in the wrong direction?? the crank on a LD turns in the opposite direction to all S1 / S2 /S3 and GPs. so the vains cuve the opposite way to aid the cooling, That picture tells me the cooling will not be as good.

See video



I'll have to check on that, I have no idea, sorry. I only put it up because we had prototype photos on another forum but maybe it's not finished. Or maybe was cool enough, they don't go very fast, but needs more info posted. My mistake either way for rushing to let people know.




Kann der Randale das Problem nicht eben mit Photoshop (Schaufeln spiegeln) oder Macromedia (Filmchen rückwärts laufen lassen) beheben?

  • 3 Wochen später...
  • 1 Monat später...
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

As promised, we posted about our other reed-valve prototypes.

>>here's another of our prototypes in the shop

We get that some here only go after foreigners, but maybe others missed the word "prototype"???

No one makes molds and casts a new fan for a small volume product before making a working prototype in the shop - not even Germans :-)

The prototype works great though and the final product will be released when the fan is ready. Please cheer or boo the actual product when it is for sale and you see it, but anyone with an LD will be cheering to finally have a good reasonably priced CDI system ;-)


By the way, we recently posted another prototype in the shop, an old alloy Lambretta tubeless rim we did before, shown in this Review of Lambretta tubeless rims. Also never finished or sold so be kind. :wacko::crybaby:

Bearbeitet von scootRS.com
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Frei nach Langhans: Was interessiert mich Vietnam, ich habe Orgasmus-Schwierigkeiten

at randal, the minute you start production according to and applying to german standards regarding both development and quality, i will start considering your products. If you were to improve your reputation in central Europe, you would have to move production here as well, because high quality production and corresponding logistics are largely our domain, and not easily exported. Look at german businesses in Asia, all operated by germans, although it would be far cheaper to train locals and have them do the job. No nationalism here either, Im afraid, just economic sense. Think about it...

Nobody except you was talking about nationalist protectionism, we are perfectly capable of appreciating a superior foreign product, which is why german produced bananas never really got off the ground over here.

BTW, I do appreciate that you are outperforming many of your regional competitors in many ways, but, at least for me, that doesnt quite cut it. Even our baking powder is advertised with the slogan Quality is the best recipe. You see, its in our blood!

kind regards

Bearbeitet von reusendrescher
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

>> If you were to improve your reputation in central Europe, you would have to move production here as well, because high quality production and corresponding logistics are largely our domain

All companies and production in the world must move to Germany or be run by Germans - but that's not just nationalism? :wacko:

Have you spoken to the German scooter shops about this, because a lot (most?) of their products are from Asia. Maybe only 1% are from Germany. E.g., BGM is all from Taiwan and China, right?

I hope you don't include restaurant food in this as well - between you and the English, you'll give the world a heart-attack :-)

Seriously, Germany makes some great items but it is not special. Who cares what country anything comes from as long as it works, right? You see good and bad items from many countries around the world. Many items we made because the Italian parts were low quality or extremely overpriced. See these Lambretta parts.

I think most people in your country agree - "Central Europe" is already our largest customer in the world ;-)

Anyway, not sure why you're posting this after a photo of a working "prototype", wait and judge the final product for yourself.

Innocenti-71: do you know that people have reported valve (and bigger) problems with tubeless rims from European scooter shops??? The valve has nothing to do with the quality of the rim. Do a google search yourself and you'll see valve problems reported on many vehicles. The one big report posted about our rim was actually after a UK valve was badly installed by a UK company and they tore the valve stem, so not even connected to us. Read this Review of Lambretta tubeless rims and judge yourself about quality.

Bearbeitet von scootRS.com

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