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7th Challenge Scootentole - Marcillat 30/04/2011 !

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The Vespa Club d'Auvergne and Scootentole present the 7th Challenge Scootentole, held from the 29th of April to the 1st of May 2011, and organized on the Lavaud track located in Marcillat en Combraille (03 - Auvergne) !! :thumbsdown::crybaby:

Categories and registration

This year there is one more category; The C2 from 2010 is now split in C2S (=K5B) and C2L (=K3B).

Check ESC-SET equivalence !: http://scootentole.org/CS/Reglements/Equivalence/indexEN.html

- Driver: C2S/C2L/C3/C4: 60€ (70€ on the spot)

- Driver C1 (full day): 30€ (40€ on the spot)

- Additional category: +15€

- C1 driver, 1 session (5 sessions on the Sturday): 10€/session

- Non-driver visitor (at least 1 night on the campsite): 10€

Registration for Marcillat are OPEN !


Register here: http://challenge.scootentole.org/inscription_en.php

(use same email address used for ESC)

After registration, you can login and modify information here: http://challenge.scootentole.org/login_en.php

Track will be fully open for us to practice the whole Friday afternoon for 15e !

Don't forget to bring a copy of a less than 1 year old "medical certificate" and copy of your driving license.

Both are required for our insurance to cover you (civil and physical) on the Saturday.

There will be a dyno stand, freely accessible to all participants !


Just in front of the track, with live timing.

* Beer, coca, perrier, oasis: 1,50€

* Water, Coffee: 0,50€


There will be possibility to eat on the spot friday and saturday:

* Sandwich ( wurst, merguez, hot dog, jambon, cheese et pizza slice) 2€

* Chips 0,50€

After the award ceremony, the lucky draw and the famous APERITIF (Apero) for everyone, you have the possibility to reserve the Saturday evening diner that we will share all together. Menu is typical from this region (Auvergne) with: Charcuterie Auvergnate, jambon cuit à la broche avec pomme de terre, fromage auvergnat, tarte aux fruits, vin, café, pousse-café.

* Only available upon registration (online, at the end of the form): 14euro per person.

Location of the track :


It is a category 1 go-kart track, lenght 1100m, 8m wide...

Track website :


Track layout :



It's a very nice location with camping facilities, but also other accomodations options.

- Bungallow (on sites): 120€/night for 6 persons.

- Chateau de Courtioux (2-3km away), different rooms, per night: 50€/1 person, 60€/2 persons, 66€/3persons. Breakfast 6€/person

Contact and reservation, M. Tribalat: +33 (0)4 70 51 68 64(track), +33(0)4 70 51 68 07 (office) or handy +33(0)6 07 86 18 14

Prepare your race scooters !

Technical reglement Challenge Scootentole: http://scootentole.org/CS/Reglements/Technique/

ESC-SET equivalence: http://scootentole.org/CS/Reglements/Equivalence/indexEN.html

Thanks to our sponsors !!!!



Seventies Scooter Pièces

La fabrique - BP 27

26330 Chateauneuf de Galaure, France





Burzock Développement

Services Informatique

132 avenue parmentier

75011 Paris

+33 (0)6 62 41 91 54



Authentik Scooter

Zone Artisanale

Promenade du Prince Impérial

64600 Anglet - France

Téléphone/Fax : 05 59 58 05 68

Email : contact@authentikscooter.fr



Scootitude Magazine




8 rue Sainte Barbe

69110 Sainte Foy Les Lyon

Email : contact@myscooterama.com



Yamaha Patrick Pons


25/27, boulevard Richard Lenoir

75011 PARIS

Tél Show-room : 01 55 28 38 68

Tél Atelier :


DRT-Denis Racing Team

Via Risorgimento, 76

31040 Trevignano (TV)





2 Stroke Performance Parts

Inhaber Oliver Hellwig

Am Tarpenufer 51

22848 Norderstedt, Allemagne

Tel: 0049/(0)40/ 69703742

Fax: 0049/(0)40/ 69703771

E-Mail info@grand-sport.de






MRP Performance Parts



Lambretta Teile Heilbronn

Senefelderstr. 19

73760 Ostfildern, Allemagne

Tel: +49 (0) 177 / 555 1 333

Fax: +49 (0) 1212 / 525 826 475



Scooter Center

Ludwig-Erhard-Strasse 1

50129 Bergheim, Allemagne

Tel: 0049 (0) 2238 30 74 30

Fax: 0049 (0) 2238 30 74 74

Mail: e-shop@scooter-center.com




+32 (0)474/501.680




Graf Zeppelin Str. 9

D-86899 Landsberg, Allemagne

Tel : +49 (0) 8191 96999-40

Fax : +49 (0) 8191 96999-70

Bearbeitet von KTy
  • 3 Wochen später...
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Damn Austrians (Christian und Mario, :crybaby: )

Hehe, just kidding :inlove:

Anyway :thumbsdown:

New supa-duppa flyer :crybaby:

Bearbeitet von KTy


Ich denke ich werde zu 90 Prozent kommen.



PS: würd mich noch über etwas deutschsprachige Unterstützung freuen!!!

- war super letztes Jahr mit MANIAC!!!

  • 1 Monat später...
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hallo leute !

Registration for Marcillat are OPEN !


Register here: http://challenge.scootentole.org/inscription_en.php

(use same email address used for ESC)

After registration, you can login and modify information here: http://challenge.scootentole.org/login_en.php

Track will be fully open for us to practice the whole Friday afternoon for 15e !

After the award ceremony, the lucky draw and the famous APERITIF (Apero) for everyone, you have the possibility to reserve the Saturday evening diner that we will share all together. Menu is typical from this region (Auvergne) with: Charcuterie Auvergnate, jambon cuit à la broche avec pomme de terre, fromage auvergnat, tarte aux fruits, vin, café, pousse-café.

Only available upon registration (online, at the end of the form): 14euro per person.

Don't forget to bring a copy of a less than 1 year old "medical certificate" and copy of your driving license.

Both are required for our insurance to cover you (civil and physical) on the Saturday.

First page of this post is updated with all information !

Bearbeitet von KTy


Ich denke ich werde zu 90 Prozent kommen.



PS: würd mich noch über etwas deutschsprachige Unterstützung freuen!!!

- war super letztes Jahr mit MANIAC!!!

So, jetzt sind die anderen 10 Prozent eingetreten.

Ich bin beim Springrace dabei. :wacko:

Tut mir SORRY, aber das Angebot konnte ich nicht ausschlagen.

Bis bald


Didn't work.

I couldn't choose my number even as it was found by the system some lines above.

Error code release #1: 302

Le numero du Scooter ne correspont pas a l'adresse email enregistree sur le site de l'ESC

Please register again !

Error code release #2: 302

Le numero du Scooter ne correspont pas a l'adresse email enregistree sur le site de l'ESC

Please register again !

INFO DEBUGGAGE: curl_connection_result1: 200, curl_connection_result2: 200, curl_connection_release_result1: 302, curl_connection_release_result2: 302INFO DEBUGGAGE: categorie1: C3 , s1numero: 278, categorie2: , s2numero: , mail: Marco@stoneheads.de, row[s1numero] = , row[s2numero] = INFO DEBUGGAGE: klasse1: 2 , klasse2: , id: , current_s1numero: 177, current_s2numero: 277


it means :"you are not allowed to register.... you are too fast !"


are you sure you used the same email that the one on ESC website ?


Last week before the event !

We can drive the complete Friday afternoon for 15e !

Here is the planning for Saturday,

Planning provisionel

8h00: Briefing pilotes

Training - 40 minutes

8h20-9h00 : Training largeframes: C2L – C4

9h00-9h40 : Training smallframes: C2S – C3

9h40: Fun class (C1)

Qualif - 30 minutes

10h00 : Qualification C2S

10h30 : Qualification C2L

11h00 : Qualification C3

11h30 : Qualification C4

12h00: Fun Class (C1)

12h20-14h00 Lunch - Break

13h50: Briefing pilotes

Races(10minutes + 2 Laps)

14h00: Fun Class (C1)

14h15: Course1 C2S

14h30: Course1 C2L

14h45: Course1 C3

15h00: Course1 C4

15h15: Fun Class (C1)

15h30: Course2 C2S

15h45: Course2 C2L

16h00: Course2 C3

16h15: Course2 C4

16h30: Fun Class (C1)

16h45: Course3 C2S

17h00: Course3 C2L

17h15: Course3 C3

17h30: Course3 C4

19h00 : Podium/award ceremony, apero/pot de l'amitié.

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  • Beiträge

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