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SA. 26.02. 2011 Northern Soul Allnighter 2nd Anniversary

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SA. 26.02. 2011 Northern Soul Allnighter 2nd Anniversary @ Motte Hamburg

(Eulenstr. 43 approx. 5 min walk from Bahnhof Altona) :thumbsdown::crybaby::crybaby:

Thank you so much for your fantastic support over the last two years!!! I can’t believe we have now already the Big Hip Hip Hurray 2nd Anniversary!!!!

As always, you can expect some TIP TOP 60's & 70's INDEMAND-CLASSIC-OBSCURE NORTHERN SOUL & RnB MONSTERS ON ORIGINAL VINYL +++ Fantastic Wooden Dance Floor!!!!!!!

Special guest Dj for this event will be lovely Barbara Grassi from Italy (Black Trefoil Soul Club Genova /Leaning Tower ...Soul Club Pisa and all over Europe) At the last Hamburg Soul Weekender she had the dance floor rocking and we are so happy to have her back in Hamburg!!!!

Also at the decks will be Gerd Baum form Düsseldorf, which many old timers will remember as one of the top Soul Dj's during the 90's in Hamburg!!!! Now he lives in Düsseldorf and has been playing at various Allnighters/Weekenders including the Soul & Reggae Weekender in Zurich.

Last but not least your host viphitman will introduce you to some obscure gems and entertain you with some great classics .....So, Put On Your Dancing Shoes It's Soul Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 2 Wochen später...

Thanx everyone for coming down and making the anniversary allnighter such a fantastic event. So many dancing & smiling faces !!!!!! Top music Top people & thanx so much for the anniversary cake!!!!! Whata Night!!!!! :thumbsdown:

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