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This is a song about a bad girl
Something that happened to me long time ago
Everybody was telling me how the little girl was running around
I had a head of my own
and I just wouldn't listen to nobody

my father he told me
my mother sat down and cried
said son this woman will break your heart
and then she'll put you down

that's when I told mama these words
lord have mercy

baaaaaad girl mama
bad, bad girl

mama they call her bad girl
all because she wanted to be free

but i'm in love with the little girl
and i believe that she loves me.

what my heart feels
my lips must confess
so I will never let her alone

i don't care if they call her bad

bad girl, mama
lord have mercy

bad, bad girl

love is a mystery
never can be explained by anything

but i believe one of these days
the whole world will understand

what my heart feels
my lips must confess
so i will
never let that little girl alone

i don't care if they call her bad
bad girl
you better believe it, mama

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