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Hi mp3-66,

welcome first! We have a few rules for the GSF-Marketplace, as there are:

- specify the location of the article, that you want to sell

- describe the item correctly, pictures preferred

- don't put the article simultaneously on eBay (or mobile.de, motoscout24.de etc.)

- no selling without property! The article must be the property of the starter of the topic, no selling for third parties or on behalf of third parties

So please state the location of your VBA here. Thank you.




In the future I will respect your rules and will sell my Vespa exclusively through this forum. I have 9 more Vespa, which I would sold.

Regards Dragan!

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Sorry for OT....

Dobar dan Dragan!

Where do you live in Serbia? Maybe in spring or summer I will drive trough a part of Serbia! From Szeged - Beograd - Nish - Sofiq and return some weeks later... and maybe I am interested in an old Vespa...

Bearbeitet von Boba-Fett-007

Dobar dan!!!

I'm living in Aleksinac 200km south of the Belgrade.

When you are going from Belgrade to Nis, going through Aleksinac. I have a coffee shop, "Cotton bar". Welcome to my country and you will be my guest! My phone number is +381645003100 and my e-mail address is vuki?_dragan@hotmail.com.

Regards Dragan!

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