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Was riding last year with a Polini 208 (57) with Pep2 and SI24.

Was really good as long as I didn't stay on full throttle for hours... Then it heat-seized...

Rebuilt this year with 60mm and a PHBH30 as I'm towing a PAV...

but now I think the induction noise is a bit too much. And the response on low rpm's isnt good enough either...

Will it be possible to ride the scooter and Pav proper with a SI24?

-and how should it be jetted?

The inlet is standard, but minor work done with the ports.

Any help is very apreciated!



Roughnecks Scooterclub


I don't have the carb here, but 130 main jet, and think it was 55/100 pilot jet.

can't remember air-corrector..

Drilled hole in airfilter...

And ignition on 18'

What is your actual jetting with SI?

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