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8th Challenge Scootentole - Mirecourt 2-5th of June, 2011!

Empfohlene Beiträge

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)



LaBoutique.gif presents the 8th Challenge Scootentole (already ?! :crybaby: )

Additional information to follow soon.

Registration on ESC website ARE OPENED

Categories and registration

- Driver K1->K8: 60€ (70€ on the spot)

- Additional category: +15€

- Non-driver visitor (at least 1 night on the campsite): 10€

Track will be accessible for training on Thursday, Friday and Sunday! 15€ half-day and 25€ full day (payment on site)

On Friday, the track will be scooter-only ! ;-)

On Thursday and Sunday, practice on track will be available (15min sessions) alternatively with go-karts and/or with motorbikes

There will be a dyno stand (SCK), freely accessible to all participants !


Provisional Planning

8h15-8h30 : Briefing !!

Qualification 1 - 20 minutes

8h30: C3-1 / K1 - Scooter 1xx

8h50: C4 / K4 - Scooter 4xx

9h10: C1 / K6 + K7 - Scooter 6xx, 7xx

9h30: C3-2 / K2 - Scooter 2xx

9h50: C2S / K5B + K5A - Scooter 5xx

10h10: C2L / K3B + K3A - Scooter 3xx

Qualification 2 - 20 minutes

10h30: C3-1 / K1 - Scooter 1xx

10h50: C4 / K4 - Scooter 4xx

11h10: C1 / K6 + K7 - Scooter 6xx, 7xx

11h30: C3-2 / K2 - Scooter 2xx

11h50: C2S / K5B + K5A - Scooter 5xx

12h10: C2L / K3B + K3A - Scooter 3xx

12h30-14h00 Pause déjeuner / Lunch Break

[13h45 -14h00 : Briefing ]

Course 1 - Race 1 - 10 minutes + 2 laps

14h00: C3-1 / K1 - Scooter 1xx

14h20: C4 / K4 - Scooter 4xx

14h40: C1 / K6 + K7 + K5BIS - Scooter 6xx, 7xx, 5xx

15h00: C3-2 - Scooter 2xx

15h20: C2S +K5A - Scooter 5xx

15h40: C2L +K3A - Scooter 3xx

Course 2 - Race 2 - 10 minutes + 2 laps

16h00: C3-1 / K1 - Scooter 1xx

16h20: C4 / K4 - Scooter 4xx

16h40: C1 / K6 + K7 + K5BIS - Scooter 6xx, 7xx, 5xx

17h00: C3-2 / K2 - Scooter 2xx

17h20: C2S / K5B + K5A - Scooter 5xx

17h40: C2L / K3B + K3A - Scooter 3xx

18h00 - 18h20 Pause

18h20 : Best of all - 10 minutes + 2 laps

(5 meilleurs de chaque catégorie)

19h30 : Podium/remise des prix, Tombola, pot de l'amitié.

We will also have a nighter on Saturday with scooterist DJs :-) affiche_soiree_s.jpg

Food and drinks

There will be possibility to eat on the spot, usual BBQ, french fries, etc

Saturday night diner - All included (aperitif, starter, BBQ, desert and beverage) for 13euro - IF YOU WANT IT, PLEASE MP ME !! (or register to the race from http://challenge.scootentole.org/ )

Drinks at the bar:

- 1.5€ soda/soft 33cl

- 2€ beer 25cl

Location of the track :

As a reminder, the track is in Mirecourt (France, 88) and it is not so far from the German border; get direction: http://maps.google.fr/maps?f=d&hl=fr&a...mp;z=6&om=1


A twisty, technical yet fast track in perfect condition, 1250m x 8m, fully equipped !

We are also looking for some people to help as marshals.

It would take you 1-2h on the saturday; duty is mostly to signal incidents (yellow flag) on the track. You will have a walkie-talky, a nice yellow jacket and the ability to take nice pictures :thumbsup:

If you are willing to help, please contact Arnaud/T5Best: http://www.germansco...EST_m22712.html

(preferably non-drivers !!)

Many thanks :thumbsup:

Prepare your race scooters !

Technical reglement Challenge Scootentole: http://scootentole.o...ents/Technique/

ESC-SET equivalence: http://scootentole.o...ce/indexEN.html

Thanks to our sponsors !!!!



Seventies Scooter Pièces

La fabrique - BP 27

26330 Chateauneuf de Galaure, France





Burzock Développement

Services Informatique

132 avenue parmentier

75011 Paris

+33 (0)6 62 41 91 54



Authentik Scooter

Zone Artisanale

Promenade du Prince Impérial

64600 Anglet - France

Téléphone/Fax : 05 59 58 05 68

Email : contact@authentikscooter.fr



Scootitude Magazine




8 rue Sainte Barbe

69110 Sainte Foy Les Lyon

Email : contact@myscooterama.com



Yamaha Patrick Pons


25/27, boulevard Richard Lenoir

75011 PARIS

Tél Show-room : 01 55 28 38 68

Tél Atelier :


DRT-Denis Racing Team

Via Risorgimento, 76

31040 Trevignano (TV)





2 Stroke Performance Parts

Inhaber Oliver Hellwig

Am Tarpenufer 51

22848 Norderstedt, Allemagne

Tel: 0049/(0)40/ 69703742

Fax: 0049/(0)40/ 69703771

E-Mail info@grand-sport.de






MRP Performance Parts



Lambretta Teile Heilbronn

Senefelderstr. 19

73760 Ostfildern, Allemagne

Tel: +49 (0) 177 / 555 1 333

Fax: +49 (0) 1212 / 525 826 475



Scooter Center

Ludwig-Erhard-Strasse 1

50129 Bergheim, Allemagne

Tel: 0049 (0) 2238 30 74 30

Fax: 0049 (0) 2238 30 74 74

Mail: e-shop@scooter-center.com




+32 (0)474/501.680




Graf Zeppelin Str. 9

D-86899 Landsberg, Allemagne

Tel : +49 (0) 8191 96999-40

Fax : +49 (0) 8191 96999-70

Bearbeitet von KTy

fine fine...

what do you mean with this - K6 driver, 1 session: 10€/session ???

i will drive in K6....60€ plus sessions?

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

i'm totally looking forward to this race. finest track on which i've ever driven... :wacko:

any idea yet in which french class you're gonna put us girls?

Not sure yet for the girlzz... We'll have to check preliminary registration :-);-)

Bearbeitet von KTy

Not sure yet for the girlzz... We'll have to check preliminary registration :-);-)

I'm looking very much forward, too! My first Time in mirecourt! There are great feedbacks to the track and the event! Please don't put us girls to the german K2! :wacko::crybaby: thanks :thumbsup:


ich hab was gelesen von € 7,-- für camping und strom.

KTy can you tell me the costs for 1 car + 1 caravan + electricity + 2persons, 1 scooter per day?


No worries, we will take good care of you ladies :wacko::-)

;-) mercie

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

ich hab was gelesen von € 7,-- für camping und strom.

KTy can you tell me the costs for 1 car + 1 caravan + electricity + 2persons, 1 scooter per day?

Yes there is electricity on the campsite, included in your registration. I think there is also electricity in the stands (need to double-check).

ss90, in your case; I assume you race and someone is coming with you (not a driver); so you will pay 60e (for the Saturday, including 3 breakfasts, electricity, showers, etc), your visitor will pay 10e (including 3 breakfasts, electricity, shower if needed, etc).

To train on Thursday, Friday and Sunday, we still need to clarify the prices and exact timing, but usually it is around 25euro for the day.

More info next week. :wacko:

Bearbeitet von KTy

Wir fahren Mittwoch los.

Man braucht schließlich genug Zeit, um rechtzeitig zum Rennen alles kaputtgefahren zu haben.



So seh ich das auch. Wir fahren vermutlich Donnerstag morgen, habens aber auch nicht so weit. Hoffentlich kommen noch ein paar, nicht dass da einem noch langweilig wird... :wacko:


geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen mit hänger/wohnmobil auf autobahnen:

österreich: 100 km/h

deutschland: 80 km/h

frankreich: 130 km/h

geil oder? :wacko:


ich fahr donnerstag früh los...555km von monaco...und was richtig erstaunlich ist, das die mautgebühren nur 3,90 laut ADAC ausmachen :wacko:


Yes !

However, if we have too many requests for double class, we might have to select people on first arrived first served basis. :wacko:



Wir haben auch "nur" 940km.

Mit Hänger in D nur 80 km/h?? Das wird mühsam! :wacko:

So wie es aussieht sind wir zu Dritt. ;-)


So, angemeldet.

Wir kommen am Donnerstag, fahren irgendwann Mittags/Nachmittags los, wenn der Transporter anspringt.

Haben auch nur 720km :wacko:

Ich freu mich!

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