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Hi guys!!! I'm so sorry!!!!!!!

Zuera Circuit is an Internacional karts circuit, and it also participates in the Spanish karts championship.

The weekend 9th-10th of June there is a race corresponding to the International championship.

Around this date the Spanish championship is also celebrated. This race should be the weekend 26th-27th May or the weekend 1st-2nd June. The circuit has asked for the 1st-2nd June in order the foreign pilots could participate in both championship. If this date would be definitive one, the 24h would be the weekend 26th-27th of May.

The problem is that the Spanish Karts Federation already knows the date but, we do not know why, they do not want to announce to the circuits I guess until beginning of the next year.

For this reason we could not know the definitive date for our race until January 2012. We are really apologize for this situation, but by the moment we only could say to you that the race will be the 11th-12th or 26th-27th of May 2012.

I am so sorry and I expect in January we are able to confirm the date for the race.

Thanks a lot for your patient and comprehension.


Dear drago rojo

As time goes by the flight are getting more expensive so pls hurry up to fix the date, also manny teams need to plan the holidays for this


Regards GOA Racingteam Alexander

yes I know... i'm sorry, but the spanish federation have the power!!



My friend,

everybody who WANTS to race this spectacular one and only race, WILL race ! Doesnt matter when, and if they come by plane or feet :wacko:

I know how difficult it is to make it perfect that way. We all know you are doing you very best ! Thanks for that !



My friend,

everybody who WANTS to race this spectacular one and only race, WILL race ! Doesnt matter when, and if they come by plane or feet :wacko:

I know how difficult it is to make it perfect that way. We all know you are doing you very best ! Thanks for that !


fully agree


As we all know we are racing on italian scooters ,so it is normal that sometimes something unexpected occures, dont worry be happy and have fun, fully agree with you , it was just a wish for christmas?????

anyway looking foward to this great event, hopefully it will not collide with the sprinrace in Austria 18.05.2012!!!!!!!1

Regards to all and marry christmas

alexander from GOA


Just to make sure that you guys are aware of the ESC-Dates 2012

Euro Scooter Challenge Dates & Status for 2012

Official ESC-Training:

Challenge Scootentole, Mircourt (F): 17.-20. May 2012

Detailled Informations: http://challenge.scootentole.org

Official ESC-Championship-Races:

10. Run & Race, Liedolsheim (D): 08.-10.June 2012

Detailled Informations: http://www.runandrace.de

Kurvenlage, Wackersdorf (D): 06.-08. July 2012

Detailled Informations: http://www.kurvenlage.ws

HARZ GRAND PRIX, Harz-Ring: (D): 27.-29. July 2012

Detailled Informations: Wotox@Facebook

Blechkampf, Belleben (D): 17.-19. August 2012

Detailled Informations: http://www.blechkampf.com

Holiday in Hungary (HU): 30. August – 02. September 2012

Detailled Informations: http://www.eurochallenge.at

From ESC-perspective both dates which were communicated to far are ok.


As we all know we are racing on italian scooters ,so it is normal that sometimes something unexpected occures, dont worry be happy and have fun, fully agree with you , it was just a wish for christmas?????

anyway looking foward to this great event, hopefully it will not collide with the sprinrace in Austria 18.05.2012!!!!!!!1

Regards to all and marry christmas

alexander from GOA

Just to make sure that you guys are aware of the ESC-Dates 2012

Euro Scooter Challenge Dates & Status for 2012

Official ESC-Training:

Challenge Scootentole, Mircourt (F): 17.-20. May 2012

Detailled Informations: http://challenge.scootentole.org

Official ESC-Championship-Races:

10. Run & Race, Liedolsheim (D): 08.-10.June 2012

Detailled Informations: http://www.runandrace.de

Kurvenlage, Wackersdorf (D): 06.-08. July 2012

Detailled Informations: http://www.kurvenlage.ws

HARZ GRAND PRIX, Harz-Ring: (D): 27.-29. July 2012

Detailled Informations: Wotox@Facebook

Blechkampf, Belleben (D): 17.-19. August 2012

Detailled Informations: http://www.blechkampf.com

Holiday in Hungary (HU): 30. August – 02. September 2012

Detailled Informations: http://www.eurochallenge.at

From ESC-perspective both dates which were communicated to far are ok.

Our race:

12-13 of May or 26-27 of May


Habe gerade mit spanien tel das 1 März Wochenende ist zum Trainieren frei, Abflug am Donnerstag, mit super Konditionen,

Rollertransport auch fix,Zimmer gebucht.

Kosten für das Training sind 65 Euro / Roller im Wechsel mit Karts je 30 minuten.

Team GOA fliegt, Ulf und Alex kommen von Deutschland auch dazu,




Keine Tips für die Konkurrenz :wacko:

:wacko: :wacko:

angst? :wacko:

Vor denen die nur 120, 130 fahren wollen ? Auf der Geraden ?! :wacko: Nö! :???:

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)


Vor denen die nur 120, 130 fahren wollen ? Auf der Geraden ?! :wacko: Nö! :wacko:

ich übersetz für 120.

für euch sollte das ja locker reichen :wacko:

und wenn nicht müssen sich die fahrer halt kleinmachen

Bearbeitet von heizer

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