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Empfohlene Beiträge


I came across a rumour today - somebody told me that because of the huge interest from foreign teams, the number of teams per country might be limited? True or False?


I came across a rumour today - somebody told me that because of the huge interest from foreign teams, the number of teams per country might be limited? True or False?

only one Austrian Team allowed :wacko:


I came across a rumour today - somebody told me that because of the huge interest from foreign teams, the number of teams per country might be limited? True or False?

NOOOO is false! From where you have removed east rumor? It is false, indeed we want to open the race to Europe and are enchanted from which you come!

Here, although this is the 5 edition, we are even very inexperienced, and when people of outside Spain are interested in our race it is a pride!

There is limitation of teams, but by the size of the track, not by the nationality!

I hope, see you in Zuera!!

Hi Michael, How are you??

GRETE said to me that you will return! I am glad much!




I hope, see you in Zuera!!

Hi Michael, How are you??

GRETE said to me that you will return! I am glad much!



Hi Xavi!

I'm fine and as promised, many more teams will participate next year!

We're are all very excited, because this race is something very special!

Hopefully the date won't collide with Mirecourt.

Thanks a lot and we're looking forward to race in Spain again!

Btw: Is there some nice spot to make holidays near Zuera? With lots of girls? :wacko:


Btw: Is there some nice spot to make holidays near Zuera? With lots of girls? :laugh:

I take two :wacko:


Hi Xavi!

I'm fine and as promised, many more teams will participate next year!

We're are all very excited, because this race is something very special!

Hopefully the date won't collide with Mirecourt.

Thanks a lot and we're looking forward to race in Spain again!

Btw: Is there some nice spot to make holidays near Zuera? With lots of girls? :wacko:

jajajaj mike, don't worry, we will do some thing with the girls!!! :wacko::laugh::wacko::wacko:

I can see you registration, now there are 4 teams from this foro. thank you!!!



01 AUTHENTIK RACING TEAM largeframe proto

02 AUTHENTIK RACING TEAM largeframe proto

03 EQUIPO DEL AMOR largeframe serie

04 TVB BATCOVA DIVISION largeframe serie


06 PK RACING smallframe serie

07 PK RACING smallframe proto


09 MOTO 3 largeframe serie

10 TEAM DALTON VRV largeframe proto

11 CHEMIKAL TEAM 1 smallframe proto

12 TIM GORDO'S largeframe serie

13 BURN OUT largeframe serie

14 TAXIVESPA-TVB largeframe serie

15 TEAM PEKE smallframe proto

16 DSF 2 XL largeframe proto

17 BAMBI55/PINASCO/GRO largeframe proto

18 TMN RACING VESPA MADRID largeframe serie

19 VESPEBRE smallframe serie

20 ABANS EM MATO largeframe serie

21 ENTRE PÀ I PÀ RELLISCADA TEAM 1 largeframe serie

22 QUELY MALLORCA largeframe serie

23 CRAM 23 largeframe serie

24 MOTOS VILAMUR 1 largeframe proto

25 MOTOS VILAMUR 2 largeframe proto

26 BORREGONA RACING TEAM smallframe proto

27 TEAM VESPONE CORSE largeframe proto

28 THE STOPPERS largeframe serie

29 VIDI BIKE lambretta proto

30 ONLY SCOOTER-SANT JORDI largeframe serie

31 D TRANKIS TEAM largeframe serie

32 THE FAMILY TEAM largeframe serie

33 TEAM SOISA LAMBRETTA lambretta proto

34 KING KONG TEAM smallframe serie

35 RETROVESPA smallframe serie

36 PROJECTE X & DR SOLER lambretta proto

37 TEAM VESPA BARCELONA smallframe proto

39 ARAMATICA largeframe serie

40 INPERTEC-CAFÉ DE CAMILO smallframe proto


42 TEAM SIEMPRE CUESTA ARRIBA smallframe serie

43 TEAM HERMANOS CARRERA lambretta proto

44 GUARDARAILES ASESINOS largeframe serie

45 ROLANDO RACING smallframe proto

46 TEAM SOCIS VESPA RACING largeframe serie

47 MOTOPISCIS DSF 2 SEX largeframe serie

48 SKA

49 SCAR TEAM smallframe serie

50 VESPA CLUB SABADELL largeframe proto

51 TEAM VESPA RACE largeframe proto


53 VESPEINADAS TEAM largeframe serie

54 BOXES MOTOR XXI largeframe serie

55 BAMBI55/PINASCO/GRO largeframe serie

56 BOXPERFORMANCE smallframe proto



61 VIAN AUTOMOBILE ABARTH smallframe serie

62 MECAMOTO TGN smallframe serie

63 INPERTEC-CAFÉ DE CAMILO smallframe serie

64 JOCHA smallframe proto

65 TEAM VESPA ENDURANCE largeframe proto

66 JEDA RACING TEAM largeframe serie

67 TEAM VESPA 67 largeframe serie

68 ENTRE PÀ I PÀ RELLISCADA TEAM 2 largeframe serie

69 GALLINER TEAM smallframe proto

71 FERRERIA BETXI largeframe proto


73 MOTO CLUB REUS largefarme serie

74 ATOMIC V-TEAM largeframe serie

75 BURZOCK PHILIPPE largeframe proto

76 PIUETNAU BCN largeframe serie

77 TEAM MOTOS MARSIÑACH smallframe proto

78 CARKER TEAM largeframe proto

79 DONOSTI VESPA TEAM smallframe serie

80 MOTOS IÑAKI smallframe proto

82 MUMMY TEAM largeframe proto

87 SEBAR'R VESPA TEMA smallframe serie

88 3C PROTOBIKE smallframe proto

90 MOTOS BODERO CLUB largeframe serie

91 KARTING EL PLÀ DE SANT TIRS largeframe serie

92 MARVIC V3 lambretta proto

93 DIMATEC-PAVIMBRE largeframe proto

96 V&CLASSICS COMPETICIÓN smallframe proto

97 PORRACING TEAM smallframe proto

98 TORRALBILLA RACING TEAM largeframe serie

99 ONLY SCOOTER SANT JORDI largeframe serie


606 TEAM GERMANY smallframe proto


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Does the GOA Team cancelled their participation?




Dear Xavi, GOA-Racing is missing !!!


This list is only the teams with number, in Spain there are a lot of races, and we want that all the teams have got their number in all races.

Not all the teams in this list, will run our race. I post the list because GOA and Heives choose their number.

Sorry by the confusion!!

This is the post with the teams: http://vespabcn.foroportal.es/equipos-inscritos-vtr-12-t5386.html

Bearbeitet von dragon_rojo

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