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i want tuning on my px200 engine. i want its go fast,; and it accelerated fast, buth it must be a little normal, not a race machien for the circuit.

i have allready servil times tuned a px125 tot 177 cc, buth now i have the 200engine, and i wnat tune this one.

my question is what you think of this setup, because i have no experiense whit tis engines

i would do;

60mm long crankshaft.

225cc pinasco(340euro) (or malossi 221cc (517euro) buth i prefer the pinasco)

reinforced clutch

30mm carburator mikuni ( or 26/26 si, buth i prefer the 30mm mikuni)

sip road, or scoot rs exhaust

is this a good setup, offcourse i put new bearings in the engine.

what do you think?

verry good tanks, and sorry for my bad englisch.

Greets Didier

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)


Take the malossi with 60 mm, with original 24/24 dellorto and Sip Road.

Perfect fast Street Touring Setup ...

Forget about the pinasco :-/ not worth the money ...


Bearbeitet von philv50

You're kidding on the price of the malossi, aren't you?

But you should rework the piston and the motor transfers. The rest as Phil already said. Nice setup with almost 17-19 bhp.

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