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Px200 acting like clutch-seal is broken, but it isnt.


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Hi everyone!

I'm running this specs;

PX200 casings and gearbox

Malossi 211 + MMW head

S&S 60mm crank

S&S reed

S&S clutch

Vespatronic (24-17

Pipedesign Charger

But suddenly the scooter behaves like the clutch-seal is broken. (easy going when cold, but when warm it splutters and hardly doesn't go at all)

When I checked the gear-oil yeasterday, it was nice and fine, without any trace of petrol.

The sealing on the flywheel side is checked and found to be ok.

Why does my scooter suddenly act like this?



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Hi! Try to put in a flexible tube throught the hole over the clutch into the gearbox and start the engine.While running fill in some brake-cleaner! If engine speed is growing up I would think that the clutch seal is damaged!

If not, I would look for leakage near the carburetor, if you think the seal next the fly-wheel is ok.

So long... :wacko:

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No, I haven't checked the reed-plates. yet.

But I haven't been clear; the engine do rev up, but even on high revs, it splutters and doesn't go "clean".

But as there was no trace of gas in the oil, I was wondering if there could be other reasons than the clutchseal, as I might try that before i split the engine again...

PS! The engine has run only 60kms since last change of seal on the clutch-side...



Hi Oyvind,

simple question: Have you already checked the reed plates. If these are (partially) damaged, the engine will run but is not willing to rev.

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It's possible, that clutch seal breaks and no gas is found in the gear oil, but maybe the other way around. But if it splutters at high RPM, it sounds for me like an other kind of problem. Ignition for example, so if break cleaner test is negative, manifold has no leak and reeds are ok as well, i would check Vespatronic, Spark Plug and Spark Cable. Also I would check carb.

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another way to check the clutch seal is to pull a balloon over the ventingscrew. it should not in- or deflate, the engine should be in a steadystate applied to the temperature.

OT: bei der Überschift lese ich immer: acting like a bitsch :wacko:

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