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ScootRS Scheibenbremse


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Stupid me. For a moment I thought, you `re gonna exchange these badly designed parts for free... :wacko:

No, not stupid, just wrong. We already did that years ago for any customer who bought that one model in one period and emailed all of them. Wasn't badly designed at all, just one model was offset a little but easily fixed. :laugh:

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Ich hab es jetzt durch rumprobieren und ausdistanzieren geschafft den Mittenversatz auf 3mm runter zu kriegen, das sollte jetzt beim Fahren nicht mehr auffallen. Aber genau mittig geht einfach nicht ohne maschinelle Bearbeitung.

Wieder mal ein beleg dafür dass man von Asienteilen die Finger lassen sollte, insbesonder wenn diese eine technische Funktion zu erfüllen haben. Bei reinen Zierteilen geht es ja evtl. auch noch, aber auch da sollte man sich darauf vorbereiten alles anzupassen und nachzuarbeiten.

Gruß, Teasy

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  • 8 Monate später...

Teasy, as someone mentioned above, one old type of disc brake many years ago was off center a little. But it is easy to change that. Use this caliper plate, or this anti-dive one, and make sure there is not an extra nut inside the fork link. That gives you more room on the right side.

Stupid me. For a moment I thought, you `re gonna exchange these badly designed parts for free... :wacko:

No, not stupid, just wrong. We already did that years ago for any customer who bought that one model in one period and emailed all of them. Wasn't badly designed at all, just one model was offset a little but easily fixed.

Cannot remember getting an email at that time. Was buying the first generation of disc brakes in 2004/2005.

Would be happy receiving the pieces I need for mounting the front wheel exactly in the middle between the forks.

You got an email tonight. :wacko:

All the guys here will see the pics of the 2004 disc brake - in an acceptable position in 2012. :wacko:

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