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Hello, I can not speak German, but I wish to ask a question in your forum; Anybody Know the cuality and the result of the new Beedspeed's pistons for PX200?. I'd like to use it with a old ported Autisa.

Take this opportunity to congratulate you on your forum, that I read usually with great difficulty (Google translate). Thanks


No personal experience, but on paper it doesn't look bad. Your Autisa is not likely to be superpowerfull anyway, so I'd rather use one of these than throwing the barrel into the bin.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hello, I can not speak German, but I wish to ask a question in your forum; Anybody Know the cuality and the result of the new Beedspeed's pistons for PX200?. I'd like to use it with a old ported Autisa.

Take this opportunity to congratulate you on your forum, that I read usually with great difficulty (Google translate). Thanks

Do you still have the original piston? If so, check the piston windows as they are different from standard.

If you`re going to rebore please keep in mind that the Autisa barrel is made of alloy with only a steel liner. I´m not sure if it will take a 70 mm bore without problems. Autisa is/was not known for high quality parts (allignment of ports and steel liner is said to be poor).

I would give the barrel a hone or a rebore and fit the next oversize (standard P 200) piston after a bit of work on the piston windows.

70 mm bore would be my last attempt if there`s no other oversize left.



P.S.: I`m looking for an Autisa barrel for a Lambretta 200. Would like to hear from you via PM (personal message) if you know one for sale.

Bearbeitet von Tec

Do you still have the original piston? If so, check the piston windows as they are different from standard.

If you`re going to rebore please keep in mind that the Autisa barrel is made of alloy with only a steel liner. I´m not sure if it will take a 70 mm bore without problems. Autisa is/was not known for high quality parts (allignment of ports and steel liner is said to be poor).

I would give the barrel a hone or a rebore and fit the next oversize (standard P 200) piston after a bit of work on the piston windows.

70 mm bore would be my last attempt if there`s no other oversize left.



P.S.: I`m looking for an Autisa barrel for a Lambretta 200. Would like to hear from you via PM (personal message) if you know one for sale.

I have thought to use the 68 mm because I also think that bore to 70 mm can be too. I know how to make the windows of the

original piston. Thanks

I believe that find the Autisa kit for Lambretta in Spain is more difficult than in England or Germany. But I'll let you know if I find one.

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