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Sehr cool bin gespannt wie es weiter geht. Der jagt seine Emma aber auch durch Gehölz und dann mit ner 5d Aufnhemnen ganz schön krass.

Feinste Grüße Julio


Da hat der gute Mann recht, gibt nen ausfuehrlichen Bericht nach der Reise aber wie man in meiner Signatur ja lesen kann dauert das noch ein paar Tage, ist auf eigener Achse ja der ein oder andere Kilometer zurueck nach Hamburg je nachdem wie sich die Lage in der demokratischen Republik Kongo, dem Sued Sudan oder Syrien entwickelt vielleicht sogar noch laenger. Man kann aber gespannt sein aufs Bands of Gold Buch ! :wacko:

Zur Frage wo ich gerade bin, ich warte auf ein Paket u.a. mit top geschmeidigen qualitaets Ersatzteilen vom Spanier/Scooterzilla ! :wacko: Portmoinait ist geklaut worden daher leb ich hier in Porto Novo beim meinen Rasta Kollegen am Strand unter Palmen mit meiner Restreserve von 3 Euro am Tag bis ne neue Visakarte eben mit diesem Paket in 2 bis 3 Wochen ankommt und ich auch Betty endlich neue Kolbenringe, verstaerkte Stossdaempferfedern und Vergaserdichtungen spendieren kann. Gibt schlimmere Orte um Wartezeit zu verbummeln wuerd ich sagen, die schwarzen Mamas hier sind auf nicht von schlechten Eltern, verdammt nochmal ! :wacko:

Bamako hab ich nen Monat bei ner einheimischen Familie eines Freundes gewohnt, war ne gute Zeit in Mali ! :laugh:

Die Route der Jungs ist uebrigends zu 95 Prozent asphaltiert, wo Sahara draufsteht is nicht immer Sahara drin wenn man ueber Mauretanien faehrt. Trotzdem ne Erfahrung die ich nie vergessen werde ! :wacko:

post-6674-049455600 1319045067_thumb.jpg

dicken gruss

Isbop ( mein afrikanischer Spritzname, ist ne laengere Geschichte aber dazu spaeter mehr ... )


Junge, komm bald heil wieder.

Du erlebst da gerade Dinge, von denen Andere ein Leben lang nur träumen werden.


Weiterhin alles Gute.

Ob wohl Belgien nochmal brennt bis du die Heimreise antrittst?


I'm sorry for the english reply here.. I just noticed our number of hits skyrocketed the last week and had to find out why. :) Obviously, this post is partly to blame!

We are going to participate in the Budapest-Bamako rally this winter. It's going to be a little like The Tortoise and the Hare (you know Æsop?) In the motorcycle class, everyone except a few crazy brits on pizza bikes (honda innova 125cc) have more ccs and so called "proper" desert bikes.

Pepper_hh: Good to hear you are still going strong! I presume you are "Chris" that I have been messaging with a few months back?

The Rally route has been changed now, so we will be doing a little more gravel than we thought. We're not going to Bamako (shame about our team's name). Instead we go to Guinea-Bissau.

A rought estimate is around 1500-2000 km of gravel along the beaches of mauretania, border area between Mauri and Mali, Nikolo-koba in Senegal and Guinea Bissau. At least that is what I can tell from looking at Google Maps. This means we probably will need to bring those annoying offroad tyres (in addition to the Schwalbe Weathermans) if we want to be able to keep our average speed high enough to tackle the daily stages of between 400 and 600 kms..

So far, this is about what our route will look like.. :


Sip has been generous enough to sponsor us with 8 sip performance shocks (front and back, one in reserve). I must say I was a little weary of using performance shocks on a trip like this, but all our stock shocks were worn out and not really capable of handling the extra load on the back in a good way. So far the shocks are doing really well. :)



hey magnus,

thanks for the update!

i'm very envious, i have to admit that...

all the best, i' m really looking forward hearing more of your project!

cheers and good luck from switzerland,



Hi Magnus.

You are right, I am the german dude you were writing with on facebook.

Some little advices ...

Problem of a vespa is and will always be the small and thin tires in combination with a non sufficent torque of the engine when it comes to sandy conditions. I was struggeling a lot in the nomansland between moroccan and mauretanian border which is only 4km but took the wrong route and got pretty lost in that lawless area. Killed one set of cluthplates there trying to get out of the deeeeeeeeeep sand and had to repair while more and more dogy beduin guys came to the spot, take loads of them but maybe you ll also get through easy if somebody shows the route or you drive behind a truck. As I read you guys are going to go on the beach from Nouadhibou to Nouakchott, I am very concerned that this will be close to impossible on a vespa. The honda bikes will have less trouble due to bigger tires and differant cluth system. Been there, seen the sand conditions, knowing what happens when the tide is coming, I say not possible on a heavy loaded vespa. Going 20 Meters through sand you can handle with using the clutch and a bit of luck, footwork and balance, but to get through it that distance I dont see much potential. Just go to a random beach and have a small test ride. You are of course more than welcome to simply try it, but that beach is a pretty shitty place to get stuck belive me rode it some years ago with a friends 4x4, the tarmac is far away and so is any civilisation.

Taking two differant types of tires is not nessesary, go for the heidenau K58 that is everything you need, trust me. Front tire lasts for ever, back one will be fine for an average of 4000km.

SIP Dampers will be completely dead after 13000km, but for your trip its ok.

The brits, is that these guys that call themselves Scooters in the Sahara ? Met them near Layonne, about 8 guys on honda scooters and support 4x4 jeep. Was just filling up fuel in the fuckin middle of nowhere, then these guys poped up.

What are you doing after guinea bissau ? Could give you some contacts in Bamako, Ouagadougou, or Lome that would be more than happy to buy your scooters.

@ skrotom :

Toubab ist da drueben jedes Bleichgesicht, heisst auf Bambara weisser Mann.



Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Also from my side, biggest respect to the Vespa Globetrotters!

Wish you guys all the best on your adventurous trips.


Makes me dream of a life beyond the office desk :wacko:

Bearbeitet von RustRacer


Yes, I know sand is tricky. :) I've done some field testing this summer, and the offroad tyres we bought from SIP (Kings tyre, I think or Duro something) actually did quite well. They did get me out of the sand after abit of work. 2-3 hours of fooling around in the sand pit did however kill my clutchplates. But that sort of confirmed that they worked quite well. It was good fun as well!

The point, though, isn't really to ride hard and fast like they do in the Dakar Rally. We just need to keep a good average speed so as to be able to finish the days stage in one piece and preferably before dark.. :)

Schwalbe has been so kind to sponsor us with 12 Schwalbe Weatherman tyres. While useless like any other regular vespa tyre in the sand, it did surprisingly well on gravel up to a certain size. And as long as the gravel was nice and packed they did alot better than those knobbly ones. The important thing is that they will not wear down as quickly. I did a 1700km trip with them this summer and the rear tyre is only worn down by about 1/3 of its original tread depth. These are going to be our main tyres for most of the trip. I'm thinking the offroad tyres only come on if we need to cover a fair bit of distance on bad roads.

While we make a point of beeing totaly self supported (hence the Correos-boxes with tools, spares etc..) the knobblies will go in the truck of one of the other participants. And if we couldn't have done that they'd stayed at home. We'll managed somehow.. :) And at least some of the sandy bits can be driven around. The beach riding in Mauri can be skipped if we stick to the main road in the desert. However, we will loose the military escort that the Mauri governement has offered the rally. Al qaeda in the maghreb threatens with kidnappings every year, so to counter that there's that military escort.. :wacko:

I've read about the Scooters in the Sahara-Brits, but it's not them. These guys have newer pizza bikes and have tuned their bikes quite a bit. They also have a support vehicle. It is going to be interessting to see how they hold up. This is theire webpage. : http://www.bamakoorbust.org.uk/page1.php

I'm not selling my scooter. It's coming home again no matter how rediculous that may seem.

After Guinea-Bissau we hope to put the scooters in a container to Oslo and fly back home. I only get 3 weeks of paid leave from work, so I got to be back the 6th of February.

Oh, and I like that "Ignition-Modifikation". I've got to see if I can fit something similar to the PX engine.

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