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Ciao to everybody! I haven't seen a post for this race , please redirect me if I'm wrong..

It would be a pleasure for us is someone could coma for this happening...

Vespa and scooter together on the same track, only 5 vespa team and 18 scooter.... (sure we can change these numbers if necessary :wacko: ). Right now as far as I know there are 3 vespa team ready.....

For us is the first experience , so I really don't know what we have to expect from this race. The technical rules are the same we had in the champoionship, but all together (vespa) . Not possible to change the case of engine, not possible to change the tank toghether with the sit durng driver change, 1 hour max for each driver, minimum 2 max 4 drivers, bax cc 235 for px and lambretta, 150 for small frame :wacko:

I know 1 of you is probably coming :wacko:

here the rules..

http://www.stage6cup.it/endurance ( sorry it's in italian)


ciao see you within two weeks



Bearbeitet von mauropapa
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