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Lambretta Hexagonal Headset Tops

There is definatley a difference between the tv 175 and tv200, gold & silver specials from the 200sx and 150 sx types headset tops

Both models have part number 19761002 tops

Chrome ring models and the early non ring models had the casting number A1972

Later sx style of tops have casting number P1241 on them

*The casting numbers can be found underneath the 19761002 part number*

You will find you have a sx type top with casting number p1241 and thats why you have the gap as these tops are narrower.

The bottom of the headsets were different on early chrome ring models and the early non ring models to allow for the removal of the chrome ring

then when the sx's were introduced they must have made another headset bottom to allow for the decrease in width of the p1241 headset

part number for early chrome ring headset bottoms is

19.76.1010 casting number A1971

part number for early non chrome ring headset bottoms is 19.76.1030 casting number A1971/1

if anyone has a sx lower headset part number please can they post it on here. thanks

**Wouldnt supprise me if it was 19.76.1030 casting number p1241 (was 1244)

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