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I'm working on a new engine for a daily scooter.

The idea is to use the engine casing without weelding it.

Here are the parts I already have.

Short 4th DRT

Clutch DRT 8 springs

Koso 28

Polini reedvalve manifold with a fitted 28mm intake

2,86 with repair kit

Mazzu anticipated

ET3 ignition with 1,8kg Sip flywheel

PM40 exhaust or maybe Sip Road

I would like to use a cylinder without touching it too much, maybe the exhaust port but that's all.

So I think I could use:

- Polini 133 Iron

- Parmakit Aluminium touring (not the SP09 but the one with small transferts)

- M1

I saw on another M1 post that the timings of the M1 are lower than on a Polini... but i think i remember than the PM40 need 185° to work well at the exhaust port.... so what's the best choice for a punchy scooter ?

The thing is that I have already ordered the M1 on Sip, and I'm a bit disapointed now that I have seen the other post...

What do you think ?




Bearbeitet von keuk
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

the new aluminium polini EVO?


Only raise the Exhaust port to 30° Blowdown and there you go.

Bearbeitet von Brosi
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

why not the new aluminium polini EVO?

send the m1 back :wacko:

Because the transfert ports are too big on the Polini EVO and i don't want to weld the engine casings.

Bearbeitet von keuk
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

:wacko: Really ? Ooooh damned !! that's why they made this little edge inside the transfert port !! I thought the transferts were like a modified Quattrini but in fact their are more tight ?


Bearbeitet von keuk

Thanks for the advises guys ! So it will be a Polini evo to stay in the Polini family with my racer !

I will try to get rid of the M1 then...


One more question, I just took a look on the official manual, the Polini EVO has the same timings than the M1, 178/126, is there a big difference between both cylinders ? Of course the price, but for the performances ?


Yes. The scavenge angles of the transfer ports does differ a lot. Where the M1 ist "designed" for high RPM the Polini has a reasonable mid and low rpm design.

High RPM meaning 10000 plus, mid an low everything below.


Eine neue frage: Now that I have both cylinders.... M1 and Polini EVO, is the M1 a good choice to replace my old full machined Polini iron cylinder on my racer ? I have to choose between a upper size for my GS piston or something else...so maybe the M1 should be a possibility.

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