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I've read a lot of thing about the problem with the JL pipe for T5.

So what would be the best for a T5 with a malossi 172cc with remachined head :

-which pipe : sito+, pm, scorpion...

-is it best to use the Si24 carb or uprgrade to a 30 ?

-sprocket : 20 or 21 ?

Thanks for your help.



standard carb

21 teeth cosa clutch

pm 19 exhaust or standard exhaust - but loudness should not be a problem in france....


Thanks both of you.

Do you have an idea of the top speed with this setup ?

And what size for the jets ?

For loudness, it's becoming a problem in France, I can't go out with my JL pipe on my VNB with 177 pinasco, long stroke... everytime I cross the "polizei" problems begin...

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

malossi recommends a 120 main jet and "proposes" 105 to 115 km/h without changing 4th gear.

the pm evo exhaust is easy to dampen, as the silencer is screwed to the main body of the exhaust, not riveted.

pics: http://www.vespa-t5.org/bilder_pm-evo.shtml

Bearbeitet von nop

"Danke" Nop.

By the way, very good site. :-D

OK so I have to find a PM pipe now

On SCK it's for sale at 318,50EUR, any other shop sell it for less ?


you'll have to ask "herrderkolbenringe" or "joerg" for all flavors of right- and left hand exhausts on t5 engines... :-D

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