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V: Faro Basso VN2T


Empfohlene Beiträge


Hello guys!

I reply here to all people that wrote me.

Thanks to all for your interest. I'm not at home,till next monday cannot send pics to anyone.





  • 2 Wochen später...
  • 2 Wochen später...

i wand to give you sousant jeuro for the nice vespa putzle with schipping kosts :wacko:

vwehry Naiß vespa there you hafe there

best rakartz


@ schlubbi:

ok... :wacko: in the parcel I will send you also a free case of beer!

@ Franco Basso:

I think you don't want understand english, I think also you've never even seen a vespa with some rust or a vespa that has spent the last 60 years to atmospheric disturbances.

@ Olli:

I'll wait... :wacko:


  • 4 Monate später...
  • 2 Monate später...

i wand to give you sousant jeuro for the nice vespa putzle with schipping kosts :-)

vwehry Naiß vespa there you hafe there

best rakartz



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