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Motte Allnighter 3rd Anniversary 11 Feb 2012

Empfohlene Beiträge


Get your Motte Fix before the long break and celebrate with us our 3rd Anniversary !!!!

Thank you sooo much for your loyal support over the last three years !!!!!

As always, you can expect some fantastic 60's & 70's INDEMAND-CLASSIC-OBSCURE NORTHERN SOUL + CROSSOVER & RnB MONSTERS on ORIGINAL VINYL ONLY!!


Marc Forrest (Hip City Soul Club Berlin)

Germany’s number one dj and collector who runs the world famous steaming hot city sauna in the summer with it’s own unique soul sound system which attracts people from all over the world even from Finland!!!!

He is so hot on the decks I am sure he will raise the temperature to boiling point at the Motte Allnighter !!!

The Jan (For Dancers Only/Hamburg Soul Weekender)

One time winner of the World Wide Bud Spencer Look Alike Contest entertains almost every month the masses at the For Dancers Only Soul Club in Hamburg!!! Top man, top collector and one of the organizers of the Hamburg Soul Weekender!!!!

He is going to hit you so hard with his ace selection of tunes that sore muscles and a complete knock out of your musical brain will stay with you for a few days!!!!

Viphitman (Motte Allnighter)

Last but not least your host Viphitman will make sure of that whatever energy is left will be sucked out of you once he plays the Motte Anthem ……Tüdeldedü Huuuuuuuuhu Tüdeldedü Huuuuuuuuhu…. !!!!!!!

So, if you are serious about Northern Soul, this is the place to be!!! Get down, do ya backdrops, spins & slide away on a fantastic wooden dance floor !!!

Start: 22 Uhr

Door: 6 €

Location: Motte Eulenstr 43 Hamburg

Due to building work the entrance is located at Rothestraße 48!!!!


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