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Replacement for GS3 vergaser/carb

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Sorry for speaking englsih, I don't speak any German.

I'm about to start the restoration of a GS150 VS5.

Engine is a puzzle, I have already collect a lot of parts, but I know for sure that the carb is really out of order, too much play everywhere.

Anyone managed to make a modification to fit a newer carb on the original cylinder ?

Thanks for your help.

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I saw this at Kudlicka & Radakovics', looked exactly like in Latzek's post.

Ku-Ra is a legendary Viennese Vespa Garage run by a ~70 year old Croatian-Italian misanthropist.

They don´t have a webshop, if you are business fluent in Viennese German with an element of Croatian, you might want to give him a call: http://www.kura.at/kontakt.htm :wacko:

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Yes, No problem there is no hurry, I'll have to rebuilt the engine before. Lots of work and parts needed I think.

Yes about the manifold and if you can get the info about jets and needle used in which carb, that would be a great help.

Thanks a lot.

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