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Membran nur mit unbearb. 57mm Welle


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3. CRANKSHAFT PX200E (57mm stroke - standard type)

Because the standard Piaggio crankshaft is extremely reliable it can be used in a rotary valve engine in standard or modified to gasflowed form. For a reed valve engine the standard type crankshaft is preferred. (Better balance factor than the gasflowed unit.)

NB. Do not use a 60mm stroke crank shaft, as this will have an adverse affect on the porting relationship of the Malossi cylinder and reduces top end power! Standard Piaggio crankshafts can be modified for greater inlet timing for rotary engine applications. If a reed valve is used then a standard crankshaft with no inlet modifications to the inlet timing gives best results. A modified crankshaft gives greater vibration and because of the way reed motors are ported there is sufficient intake fuel flow with the standard crankshaft.

It is possible to use Jap conrods in the PX200E crankshaft for added reliability in your engine unit. HPC crankshaft uses standard P2 inlet side and full circle flywheel side in special steel, fitted with a Japanese conrod and a big end bearing for improved performance and reliability.

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Wie stark sind denn die Motoren von Taffspeed?

Grundidee wg. Wuchtfaktor ist okay, aber rein leistungsmässig gesehen gabs noch niemanden der sich nach dem Umbau auf Langhub oder Schaliwelle über fehlende Leistung beschwert hat... oder doch!?

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es steht ja auch das hier bei denen


This has the cylinder timings altered to promote higher top end power with a small reduction in low speed performance.

NB. German restricted TUV cylinder kits can be altered to the unrestricted cylinder or to our TAFFSPEED cylinder specifications.


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