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I have for sale or trade an engine with the following specifications:

-PX 200 engineblock, machined to a great extend, black powder coating, engine offset 10mm for fitting of wide tyre and better room for carb

-Full T5 gearing, Rally200 primary drive

-Cosa clutch 21 teeth, strengthened

-Semi full circle crank with Rotax conrod with 18mm upper hole

-MRB reedblock with TS1 reed

-MRB steel liner 220 cylinder, newly bored and honed, 2nd oversize, have done about 1000 kms

-Suzuki piston

-Taffspeed head with centred plughole

-30mm Dellorto

-PK 1800g flywheel

Comes without ignition plate.

I have spent loads of money on this engine, but I will consider any sensible offer. Or, I am willing to trade it for a well tuned T5 engine and a good exhaust for such.

Have prints from german dynotest stating 21,3 hp on rear wheel (scooter then had Taffspeed exhaust and has had a change of gearbox since)

I havent managed to make it pull 4th gear very well, even with full T5 gearing. Maybe another dynotest will fix some of it!? Anyway, 3rd gear is a monster!!

Also have:

-Full hydraulic SIP clutch, incl clutchcover, new stahlflex and Grimeca pump on handlebar

-Rally headseat, beautifully modified for hydraulic pump, clutch and brake.

Make me an offer!

Best regards,

Stein, Oslo, Norwegen

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