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Empfohlene Beiträge


Hej alla ... Jag skriver från USA, så ni får ursäkta min transltion ... Jag kommer här att din kunskap är otroligt och jag har lärt mig mycket, även med lanquage barriären ... så alla råd jag kommer att uppskatta.

Min fråga är: är en Reed Stuffer verkligen bra? och vad ska jag står att vinna på att lägga till det till min vforce vass setup? Eller är det inte värt det?

Tack för alla råd.


Oh Mist! Mein Bad! jetzt fühle ich mich wirklich dumm ... Entschuldigung.

Meine Fragen war über einen Reed-Stuffer, und welche Vorteile ich will oder nicht bekommen.

Ich wäre mit es mit einem S & S Stimmstock und VFORCE Schilf. Ich habe nicht eine vorher benutzt ... ist es das wert?

Vielen Dank und meine appologies ... D'oh!

English too... this way I can be embarrassed in 2 languages!

Oh Crap! My Bad!!! now I feel really stupid... Sorry.

My questions was about a reed stuffer, and what benefits I will or will not get.

I would be using it with an S&S reed block and vforce reed. I have not used one before... is it worth it?

Thank you very much, and my appologies...

And thank you for the welcome!


Computer translation tools are notoriously crap. "Crap" meaning that it's nigh on impossible to even get the gist of what's meant sometimes. Translate a text into a foreign language and then translate it back into English, and you will get the point. English is fine with most of us.

Reed Stuffer:

In theory a reed stuffer should smoothen the gas flow, and it should reduce the volume of the inlet tract section from carb to reed. Since the reed valve is opened by differences of pressure between that section and the actual crankcase (starting with the inlet tract just behind the reed) an as small volume as possible is desirable there. A larger volume effectively dampens the pressure impulse. Think of it as two balloons, one small, the other one large. If you step on the small one it will explode (strong pulse), if you step on the large one it will only change its shape (weak impulse). It's a dodgy image, but maybe you get the point. In real life, on the dyno, stuffer or not often does not make any difference at all. Still I'd fit one for peace of mind, and for the case your engine happens to be one of those listening to theory.

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