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Hi all,

Sorry to post in English, but I don't want to offend anyone with my very poor German.

I would like a little bit of advice. I have a Li150 Special, which is in very good overall condition, but it has been standing for the past seven years in a garage abroad. I am living in Trier now and had it delivered to me last week. I would now like to register it in Germany but it needs a proper service first.

My questions are:

1. Can anyone recommend someone in the Trier area (or there about) who could service it and get it ready to pass inspection for regstration?

2. Any information regarding criteria for classic scooters to get approval for registration would also be much appreciated.



There's little point in getting it registered as a classic scooter in Germany. It doesn't safe you any money or give you any advantage. Just the opposite actually.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

The tax charged for motorcycles in Germany depends on the engine capacity, 1,84 Euros per 25 cc for bikes over 125 cc no matter how old the bike is. So for a LI 150 it's 11,04 Euros per year.

If your bike is 30 years or over you can have it registered as a historic vehicle. But then you are charged a "flatrated" tax of 46 Euros per year, no matter what engine capacity. So this only makes sense for bikes with very large engine capacities.

Insurance is a separate deal, you can try to find an insurance company specialising in vintage vehicles which might have a better coverage of the bike's actual value in case of theft or damage.

Bearbeitet von sidewalksurfer

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