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Hey guys, new member here. I'm sorry for a simple question, but I am running Weatherman 100/90 tires on my P and the rear tire rubs quite badly on the clutch cover... someone suggested I use the Skinny (thin) 1/2 of a cosa rim in place of the stock thin 1/2... will this help to stop the rubbing? I was going to grind the clutch cover, but it has already been milled on the inside to fit an MMW ckutch basket, and I did not want to grind through the cover.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks to all... Great forum here!


hi and welcome!

i had the same problem with my raceman - though the size of my tire is a little different.

i am using the 4" wheel set made by "scooter and service" now.

check out this link: https://www.scooter-and-service.de/largeframe/fahrwerk/reifen-und-felgen/1038/breitreifenkit-scooter-service-4-zoll-komplett?c=184

but watch out for upcoming problems with the exhaust. only if you got a pipe like PM or simular ones. with the original pipe there won't be any issues.


Thank you very much Meiermachine.. I have seen that, but I would like to stay as close to a 2.1 rim as I can for now... I am using a Charger220 (Not for wide tire). I have a SIP wide rim, but it won't fit with the Charger, so I am wondering if the cosa thin 1/2 half will help. I think I could put spacer washers between the hub and the rim, but I was looking for a better solution...

When I do decide to go with the wide tire I'll use the S&S newline exhaust that I have... but for now it's the Charger (which I love by the way!) *You guys make ALL the cool shit!



Thanks Nachbrenner, yes, I can do this.. If I do put washers (that's what we would call them) between the hub and the rim, would you also put the same washers on the Front tire as well? OR.. will a 1mm offset on the rear not make a problem?


It worked perfectly. I took the charger off at the bracket, slipped 1mm washers on the studs between the hub and the rim, and problem is solved! No more rub. Thanks guys for the push in the right direction!

Later! ;)

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