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Hey guys, I'm posting this here because you have much experience... I have a reed cage and manifold that I can't identify... I can't get any help here in the US... I suspect it is from a European model... I think it MAY be from a Kawisaki KX80 (euro model) It is longer than an RD350... it measures 66mm X 48mm (from bolt hole to bolt hole)

If anyone knows the motorcycle this is from I would love to know.... it's been haunting me... I have asked mototasinari and they do not have anything with those measurements. 66mm X 48mm (hole to hole)

Thanks for any guidance.












Thanks Lucki... I emailed them at Welsh Scooter Parts (used to be Taffs), and the guy there thinks it's a kx80 as well. Did you know Taffspeed from the block? I was hoping vforce made a version like this, but they don't.

Anyways, thanks for the tip!

One last question... what is it about the RD350 reeds that make them so good for vespa tuning? Why not another reed?

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