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The place is even better in real life, the building is very big and there is a lot to see... If you are near the Breda area in the Netherlands sometime you should visit Maskes Vespa Klassiekers in Rijen (www.maskes.nl).

  • 2 Wochen später...

The front is back in... This week my casings are coming back from the sandblaster so I can start with the build of my engine...



Three steps in the restoration of a GS160...:


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  • 2 Wochen später...

Casings are sandblasted and put together again, engine almost done.






I used a special tool to mount the bearing for the crank:


Seal clutchside:


Casings ready to be put back together:


Always a nice view:


Engine back together only the clutch and ignition left to be mounted:





  • 4 Wochen später...

Unfortunately the engine has to be taken apart again because of a production error in the kickstart-thing.... I did finish the build and will split the engine after having driven some miles with it. So, technically it is pretty much finished, now I can run it in and test it and make it 'travel-ready'.










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Dont like it either, but after the trip I will get it out. And this one was for free, the repro would have cost me another 100 euros or so.


Oh .... gottya. You are pumping around 6000 euro in that bike and you are complaining about 100 bucks for a stylish glovebox

It is a GS4 Series 1!! I thought money is no big thing. You could have saved some good bucks if you had chosen a Sprint or anything of this ordinary models

Anyhow. Keep on keeping on :cheers:

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with or without px-glovebox, the idea of taking a 60's scoot instead of a "modern-style"-px ist respectable. you always see scooterists, that have 20 vintage scooters in their private collection and take the px to join a scooterrun or making a long trip to anywhere.

i support your idea because its my style! :cheers:

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Exactly my thoughts andreasnagy, I even swapped my original paint GS for a GS that had to be rebuild in order to be able to do this trip with a GS. An all original GS would have even been better, but in my current financial and time circumstances not realistic.

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  • 2 Wochen später...

Where is the luggage?? We haven't started yet, just wait and see ;)

Yes I have a navigation system, it is a garmin zumo 220, and it works fine (waterproof and you can use it with your gloves on), I only have to find out whether I can charge it with my ignition or not.


Easiest way is to have a car charging plug connected to the spannungsregler

You need an adapter for your items but goes with the advantage you don't have to deal with 12v to 230v

But can I do this if I have no battery?


If you have a 12v ignition than yes. I´ve got a similar setting on my vnb with a standart px ignition. i used this regulator an a regular cigarette lighter jack...works fine with cell phone or mp3-player.

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    • Hier ist zumindest eine lenkkopfabdeckung dabei. Wenn auch vermutlich kein ganz guter Zustand. Vielleicht hilft es ja.    Gerade bei #Kleinanzeigen gefunden. Wie findest du das? https://www.kleinanzeigen.de/s-anzeige/vespa-px-teile-zu-verkaufen/3012900293-223-7404?utm_source=copyToPasteboard&utm_campaign=socialbuttons&utm_medium=social&utm_content=app_ios
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