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Time to build a vespa!

Front fork ready to be put in frame:


Started with disassembly of the engine:


Drums and rims prepared for sandblaster:






Very clean inside!


The work continues, splitting the cases after drilling out the well known bolt:




And cleaning in order to bring it to the sandblaster:


Some better pictures of the coated vespa:




Started working on the floor strips and steer now.

  • Like 1

your project is wonderful. thats what a man needs to do once in his live (beside planting a tree, building a house and raising his children...)!

god bless you!

Thanks for your kind reply! Haha, I like this: 'beside planting a tree, building a house and raising his children...'

  • 3 Wochen später...

the gs will be ready,thats not what i am thinking about. i am worried about the early beginning in may. you are informed about rain and temperature at this time in mongolia? its still very muddy and moisty at this time and the summer is coming slowly. you are off road and sometimes the even have snow...

what about starting in the end of june?

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hope this nice GS doesn't get stolen somewhere in Romania :-D

By the way: Isn't it hard to get a visa for Turkmenistan? I know that this country is quite isolated from the rest of the world (even though it is a very rich country).

And how do you get the Vespa back from Mongolia?

Bearbeitet von Bonito66

Hahaha. Das ist die Idee für einen quick and dirty transport nach Rumänien:

Roller mit Schlüssel gut sichtbar in muc am Stachus abstellen...

Obwohl, was sollen die dort mit der alten Karre ohne Bremsassistent??

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hello Laurus.

At your map I can see that your route is quite close to the summerparty of the lambretta club germany.

The Run starts at the third of may and ends at the fifth of may. It takes place in: 95369 Untersteinach, Germany

Maybe this could be a good place for recreation and we can give you technical support if you have problems with the scooter.



Bearbeitet von schmando

OT on: finde solche stereotypischen Anspielungen gerade auch eher kontra-produktiv. Gerade jetzt, wo wieder mal jemand gezeigt hat, dass man sich immer noch fast überall auf der Welt zeigen kann, wenn man sich entsprechend benimmt...

Und die Rumänen haben tatsächlich noch ganz andere Probleme als sich auch noch Gedanken zur Ersatzteillage deines frisch geklauten Rollers machen zu wollen...

OT off.

  • Like 1

Hope this nice GS doesn't get stolen somewhere in Romania :-D

By the way: Isn't it hard to get a visa for Turkmenistan? I know that this country is quite isolated from the rest of the world (even though it is a very rich country).

And how do you get the Vespa back from Mongolia?

Yes you are right. But you can get a transit visa, which will last for seven days I believe, enough to get you through te country. However, you can also contact a travel agency who can hook you up with a tourist visa and who will sort the trip for Turkmenistan out. Than you will get a guide and your hotels are booked... We have contact with an agency but we are not sure what to chose yet, but we will start the visa procedure this week or so...

I hope the GS will not be stolen and gets back with a nice travel patina and lots of cool stickers...

The GS will be put in a crate and shipped back to Germany! So after the trip I will have to pick it up in Germany...

@schmando, sounds like a good party, I will see if it fits the schedule!

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

The GS will be put in a crate and shipped back to Germany! So after the trip I will have to pick it up in Germany...

she has to come back home, so you can place her in the livingroom of the house, you will built after the trip...and the tree ... :satisfied:

probably like this way...


Bearbeitet von andreasnagy
  • Like 1

she has to come back home, so you can place her in the livingroom of the house, you will built after the trip...and the tree ... :satisfied:

probably like this way...

I was indeed thinking about that :) But maybe I like travelling with the vespa so much that I will also take it to cape south...


I made some progress last weeks. I polished some stuff, mounted the floor strips, put the steer back together, mounted the bearing cups and today I revised the rear shock and put the wiring loom and cables in.

In the meanwhile also the parts for my engine are coming in. Today I received some nice original piaggio parts: cilinder, crankshaft, gaskets and dellorto carburetor.

Here some pics:

















I was indeed thinking about that :) But maybe I like travelling with the vespa so much that I will also take it to cape south...

:thumbsup: okay, when you absolved your mongolia-trip, lets talk about making the north-african-route (i dream of that since many years...) :satisfied:

  • Like 1

I worked on the GS again today.

I mounted the glove box cover and rear light:


Polished the brake pedal, mounted the brakelight switch and brake cable:


I am using a Sprint wiring loom because this is easer to connect with the P200 engine:


Because I will be using a 12v horn I gave a 12v horn a 6V look by switching the covers:



Unfortunately I had to use bigger screws for the horn because I had forgot to weld them.

At the moment I have some company from a GS160 MK2:



Last thin I did today was mounting the logo:


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