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Mounting of the Vespa Logo on VNB1T

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For the restoration of my Vespa, I need some technical information from oyher VNB1T-owner. For this reason I have posted my cry for HELP on the German site.

What is the problem :

Coming back after the paint job, I realized that the holes for the mounting of the black Vespa Logo on the front were covered. In order to find back the original holes, I made a drawing indicating some critical distances. The measurement of this distances will make it possible for me to refind the original holes.


Distance AB :

A : corner point (laying about 4 mm under the top curved edge and formed by the outer right vertical black line)

B : center of aluminum peening pin of Logo letter 'V'

Distance AC :

A : corner point (laying about 4 mm under the top curved edge and formed by the outer right vertical black line)

C : center of aluminum peening pin of Logo letter 'a'

Distance DE :

Measured horizontally where the s of the Logo meets the p (at the little connection).

Remark that the distance is measured to the left side of the P !

Distance EF :

Measured horizontally where the s of the Logo meets the p (at the little connection).

Remark that the distance is measured to the left side of the P !

If you have other dimensions in mind, please let me know.

Many thanks for your cooperation.


De Winter Luc


Bearbeitet von Sucho10
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