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Original: Hey guys, I'm a new board member from the USA and had a quick question for my upcoming project. I can't decide between a 57mm stroke or a 60mm stroke for my Malossi 210 motor. I was wondering what you guys thought was best for max power. The cylinder will be ported and paired with a Pipe Design Charger 220 exhaust, a MRP reed manifold and a EFL gearbox.



Google Translated: ich bin ein neues Mitglied aus den USA und hatte eine kurze Frage für mein kommendes Projekt. Ich kann nicht zwischen einem 57mm Hub oder 60mm Hub für meinen Malossi 210 Motor entscheiden. Ich frage mich, was euch gedacht, das Beste für maximale Leistung. Der Zylinder wird portiert und mit einem Pipe Design Charger 220 Auspuff, ein MRP Reed vielfältig und einer EFL Getriebe gekoppelt werden.

Thanks for all of your comments and suggestions!


Hey TravisNJ,

to have a good engine with power, you should have a strong clutch, and a strong crank shaft too. At both parts don't save money, you will pay twice afterwards.

I suggest 62 mm Stroke, that will give you with the Malossi a timing for the incoming ports of 129° and for the exhaust port timing 190°(therefor you can go up with the timing with grining for e.g.).

62,5 mm are the Limit because of the length of the cylinder !

Best regards


I'm not really interested in going all the way up to 62mm. Just wanted to choose from 57 and 60mm, but I appreciate the input. If you chose from between the two, which would you choose and why?


I'm not really interested in going all the way up to 62mm. Just wanted to choose from 57 and 60mm, but I appreciate the input. If you chose from between the two, which would you choose and why?

to 60 mm Stroke.

Have a lock at this configurator to get a mind about the parts you need ...



The question was: 57mm or 60mm stroke:

To be much more flexible concerning the overflow timings of your cilinder, you really should choose a 60mm stroke crankshaft. There are hardly no advantages for a 57mm stroke crank.

Regards, Heli

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