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T5 Malossi optimization advice needed


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Great. That's all I wanted to hear. So Vespatronic it is.. Thank's for the info!

Next the engine itself needs to be sorted out. Any modificatios to the port timings and/or shape? I have been searching info concerning optimal blow down time. Currently it's ca. 31.5 degrees.

What about Malossi piston? Would it be better to replace it with Wiseco and maybe to increase the exhaust port to maximum of 70%..? The piston head comes 1.4mm over the cylinder surface so that might limit the options from upper piston ring location point of view.

I have already received some advice concerning the exhaust. If Tobi from NSR is reading this all the tips are more than welcome. I can send the exhaust for modification if that could give wider range for torq and power. I know that it should be tested on the road and modify accordingly but unfortunately I don't have knowlegde or tools for that.

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