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Hi guys,

Im working on a SS-208 conversion. Now I´m at the point where I need to get the hole in the PX piston filled.

Its a std size GrandSport piston for the px200.

The guy who is welding it is an ali welding professional, so not worried in any way but if anyone has got any pointers they are all appreciated and taken in consideration.

Vielen Dank!

Nicklas, Finnland.


There was a little article in Scootering some years ago, and from what I remember from the top of my head they butchered a second piston for a piece which they then inserted into the hole (little or no gap preferable, I'd say), and then just welded it in.

Isn't there an alternative? I really think that's a bit dodgy. Which doesn't mean it's not going to work.


Thanks guys.

I was in contact with Olli before I ordered the piston.

Unfortunately the demand for oversize pistons is so small that a batch wouldn't have been possible. That's why I went the px piston route.

I was thinking in the same lines as Mathias.

What I am really after is tips for the actual welding. Do you need any special rods or will the conventional Ali weld gear do the job on piston material ? Things like that.




Uncle tom hat das mal für uns gemacht, hat ein stückerl aus alten kolben rausgeschnitten und perfekt eingeschweißt!

heut zutage würde ich auch über laserschweissen nachdenken!

war klar das du KEIN .....

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