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2nd Endurance Challenge Scootentole - MagnyCours-Club - October 20th,


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aufs englische würd ich mich bei den franzosen eher nicht verlassen, die sind nicht für ihre sprachbegabung bekannt...


ich werd das originalreglement mal mit meinem mitbewohner durchkauen und geb dir dann bescheid! :sigh:

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Strassenzugelassene Reifen sind auch abgesagt.


Dunlop TT 92 GP / TT 93 GP sowie SAWA  MC 31 S Racer sind straßenzugelassen (E-Homologation) und vom Veranstalter auch freigegeben.



Slicks und PMT gehen nicht. Die sind beim Langstrecken-Rennen sicher auch nicht die richtige Wahl




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You need (like in Challenge Scootentole) a less than 1 year old medical certificate !

DMV insurance will not work as this is NOT an ESC race.

DMSB B-license for european races is sufficient?  :cheers:

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Here are regulations for the medical certificate for the DMSB B licence 







If I have not a German B licence what must be the content of the medical certificate?   Is it o.k., if the Doctor write:"Mr. Rossi is fit to make Motorsport"?


What language is needed (German, English or French)?


As a registered participant do we have an incurance like ESC/DMV?





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Yes, it is ok if the doctor write this. Any language will do as long as it is official.

We need to have this certificate (along with a copy of your driving license) because our insurance will cover you against liability and injuries on Saturday and on Sunday.


I will check for the DMSB ... I doubt it will actually be accepted by our insurance.

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the medical requirements and medical examination for the dmsb B license is much more detailed than a letter with only one sentence from doctor xy. i can't see why the insurance should not accept that...

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the medical requirements and medical examination for the dmsb B license is much more detailed than a letter with only one sentence from doctor xy. i can't see why the insurance should not accept that...


Just checked, it is ok !

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