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[Smart Booster] Retard curves for Ducati ignition

Empfohlene Beiträge



Right now I should be fine, I have the whole process optimized and under my full control. The day I need to provide more than 20 pieces per day, I will remember your hint  :cheers:



Right now I should be fine, I have the whole process optimized and under my full control. The day I need to provide more than 20 pieces per day, I will remember your hint  :cheers:



The hint (question more like) was not addressed at you, I'm quite sure you will be able to sort out any possible problem if ever it should arise. With your background you certainly do not need any advise like that. If you have a question concerning square dancing I'm still your man though.


Even though this, if I am not much mistaken, is where we met my true forte on the dancefloor lies with square-dancing. The Iowa school in particular with it's elaborate ankle techniques has always been a more or less secret hobby of mine. That and teaching the odd stray dog tricks with coins of course.

  • 2 Wochen später...
  • 3 Wochen später...

Hi KTy,


can you comment on advantages of the smart booster over other retard devices besides the ability to select out of different retard curves? For example I'd like to know what happens in case of failure, no ignition or ignition at 24-28°?


And of course: when will it be available?



  • 4 Wochen später...
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Sorry for the late reply.

Advantages over competitors are: Plug-n-play over existing CDI, no loose wires, no battery needed and very low power (it will not impact ignition performance), compact and unique design, Spark Magnifier inside and 16 curves that actually make sense. Targets are: Stock engines, Touring setup and Street-racers: Should fit 95% of Vespa and Lambretta with CDI ignition.


Because the Smart Booster can only retard, it means that if it fails (unlikely but still possible :-D  ) you remove it and you can still run the engine. Of course, you are stuck with static timing. Keep in mind that if you had set your ignition to 28 and it was working fine, then you can still ride up to 4000rpm with very limited risk of overheating or seizure.


The web page is updated with more information and with the final curves: http://www.kytronik.com/sb

Available online within a couple of weeks, 89EUR .

(I am still looking for an affordable and fast shipping service. :zzz:, I have currently a reliable, cheap but slow one...)



Bearbeitet von KTy
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Ist das der Versuch die Konkurrenz durch deinen Segen zu diskreditieren? ;-)

geht's dir noch gut...?!

ist das der Versuch dich beliebt zu machen...?

im Gegensatz zu dir, meine ich es ernst...

ist ne gute Idee vom KTy...

Bearbeitet von mpq
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

gehts dir noch gut?

geh doch mit den fotos von deinem krempel in deinen eigenen thread und wirb dort dafür, hm?

du hast echt nen Problem... du nimmst Bezug auf nen Post von vor 4 Monaten... Ich glaub's nicht, echt...


Sorry, for this boys...

Bearbeitet von mpq
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Mir geht´s fantastisch. Danke.

Ich vertrete ja die Meinung, wer austeilt muss auch einstecken können.

Und der ;-) markiert normalerweise Beiträge die eher mit Humor gesehen werden sollten.

Wenn dir das nicht gelingt, tut mir das sehr leid für dich. Ehrlich.

Ich finde das hier vorgestellte Teil voll super und werde das wohl, sobald es das gibt, kaufen.

dein Beitrag ist aber komplett OFF TOPIC!

Trotz deinem Zwinker...

Bearbeitet von mpq
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Calm please.... :gsf_tumbleweed:





OT-Gelaber ausgeblendet, bitte die Contenance wahren ;-)

Bearbeitet von thisnotes4u

immer wieder faszinierend mit dem Kerl... :gsf_chips:

dein Beitrag ist aber komplett OFF TOPIC!
Trotz deinem Zwinker...




KTy - will you be present on one of the remaining races this year? I'm looking forward to test the smart booster. I'm definitely done with the IDM based ignition shit...


I want one too, where do I put my name on a list.




Mach dich doch mal locker. Der Brosi hat schon recht damit, dass du gerne mal drauf haust, da kann man, wenn's in die andere Richtung geht, jetzt auch nicht direkt Samthandschuhe einklagen. Finde ich.

  • Like 1

Keine chance Johannes... Not this time.  :thumbsdown:


I have sent few for testing, there will be some feedback in September I believe...


That's unfortunate - maybe next year in Mirecourt?


Did/do you also test with HP4 rotors? They can sometimes cause problems with the ignition, at least on largeframe engines...


Yes, it was tested for ~1000 kilometers on a PX engine with HP4 flywheel: No problem.


We tried to cover as much different setup as we could, so let's see...


I want one too. Is there some early adaptor list available? :-D


Both spark magnifier are still working well. Just started my wife's pkxl for the first time after 2 years in the barn. all still working well.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hi KTy,


I just saw the vCDI on your website.

Are you also planning to sell this and when would it be app. available or are you just using it for testing?


Best Regards


Bearbeitet von ssmeis

Are you also planning to sell this and when would it be app. available or are you just using it for testing?

read #37 please. ;-)

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

read #37 please. ;-)


Hab ich gesehen, dachte aber es bezieht sich auf den "smart boster"...

Die VCDI wäre die nächste Stufe und kann man dann wohl auch selber programieren über USB. Oder hab ich da was falsch verstanden...?


Bearbeitet von ssmeis

We will try to release the vCDI end by end of the year. It is 90% ready. We need time to finish the remaining 10%, and money to start the manufacturing.  :cheers:

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