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Empfohlene Beiträge


ich bin der Meinung, dass der kopf auf zu viel Sicherheit ausgelegt ist ........

sobald mein Moddor umgehängt ist - geht es zu gp1

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Zahlendreher. Und zur Fahrbarkeit hat er sich nicht geäußert.


Ich denk mal, clash one sollte  der Verwirrung abhelfen können.

verwirrend finde ich das nicht.

laut seiner aussage wurde bei taffspeed getestet und abgestimmt. die haben bestimmt kein interesse an guten ergebnissen.

der verbaute auspuff kann, wie wir wissen, mal gar nix. da bleiben locker mal 4 ps auf der strecke.

vermutlich dann noch die standart-hub welle (das lief bei mir auch nicht wirklich gut).

luftfilter? zündung? und und und....

dann bleiben eben nur 11,6 übrig.


Das macht Hoffnung. :thumbsup:

Da müssen die Jungs vom SCK ja nur das richtige Zeugs mit auf die Insel nehmen, um Barreies Karren aus dem Dreck zu ziehen:

- BGM-Brotdose v2 (oder schon v3?)

- BGM-Langhub-Kurbelwelle

- BGM-Airbox

- BGM-Drahtgitter-Luftfilter

- BGM-Cobra neck Gummibalg (gibt's das schon?)

- BGM-Zündgrundplatte

- BGM-Lüfterrad

- BGM-PWK-Vergaser

- BGM-Düsensets zum Abstimmen

- BGM-Wago-Klemmen


Fehlt noch was? :-D


Das macht Hoffnung. :thumbsup:

Da müssen die Jungs vom SCK ja nur das richtige Zeugs mit auf die Insel nehmen, um Barreies Karren aus dem Dreck zu ziehen:

- BGM-Brotdose v2 (oder schon v3?)

- BGM-Langhub-Kurbelwelle

- BGM-Airbox

- BGM-Drahtgitter-Luftfilter

- BGM-Cobra neck Gummibalg (gibt's das schon?)

- BGM-Zündgrundplatte

- BGM-Lüfterrad

- BGM-PWK-Vergaser

- BGM-Düsensets zum Abstimmen

- BGM-Wago-Klemmen


Fehlt noch was? :-D

BGM  Vaseline

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Gibt es die jetzt etwa auch schon? Bergheim Glessen Matsche könnte ein Verkaufsschlager im Stiefelknecht werden....

Mit der richtigen Werbung auch in der Kölner Südstadt :-D


das habe ich noch gefunden...


BGM stands for Big Gay Monster(s)-- gay guys with gigantic bodies and annoying female tempers. Sometimes with excessive amount of caking on their faces.
Damn..I feel really uncomfortable sitting in between these two BGM(s); I feel tons of lard descend upon me.

You can't help some people, Argh bornagain Scooterists

Luke takes a phone call from a customer complaining his RT 195 is not producing the correct power output and what is he going to do about it? Luke comes and ask me the question, now I know Luke's my son and has been around me for a good few years but he isn't an engineer, that would be me. As with Phil and Ian they have all listened to my conversations, asked questions and picked up a lot of information to answer these tech questions to save me been on the phone all day. I think most will agree we offer a very good tech back up service from our front line staff.

Ok I see the odd comment on forums where the wrong advice was seemingly given. When I see it I'm the first to wade in and ask what did you say to so and so? Usually it's 'I never said that he's got the wrong end of the conversion'. If someones given bad advice we will have a meeting to get it better for next time. We have meetings 2 or 3 times a day, I'm very honest and open to the guys with problems, new products, developments etc. When the phone goes usually Luke comes to find me and asks the questions again and again and I shout ''it's all in the f88king Tech-Site'' and this happens most days! Now he's been coming and says 'Dad don't shout I know what your going to say BUT' and I shout it's all in the F88king TechSite'?

Now if it's a complicated thing where photos could be involved or technical work that may need doing they pass them to email me. This guy emails and asks the same questions I've gone through with Luke. I return the email asking some basic questions, then he phones and asks the same questions again. He tells me his RT kit only does 11.5bhp! I ask where was it dynoed and what was the set up. I asked for the dyno sheets to be emailed and asked the jetting details. When I found out who jetted it I told him 'said dyno man has set it over rich he always does'. Then I'm getting 'yeahbutnobut'

So I told him a story as I do. In the 90's I did an engine for a good customer, he took it to the said dynoman. When it came out it was slower and wouldn't go over 30mph, I asked for him to bring it back, I rode it and it didn't go over 30mph and couldn't get off the industrial estate. I asked him to remove the carb and take out all the jets. As he was fumbling with spanners as he's a total numpty, I wrote down the jets I suspected had been fitted in the carb. When he finally laid out all the jets he couldn't believe I already knew what was fitted! The answer was 'they fit the same every time and every time they are too rich'! Off he went back to the carb and fitted my jetting spec and off he went down the road and came back shaking it did 80mph! Thats the difference in totally over jetted to something about right!

It was the same with this guy. I told him it was over jetted, and was proved by the dyno graph jagged lines. I told him it was made worse with the Breath sweet filter fitted and I told him he had one of the worst Clubmans for power fitted. Then I found out he had a Spanish 150 gearbox fitted! It was just getting worse!

So as I'm explaining all this and saying dynos do vary from one to another, it's only figures and not the be all and end all to the meaning of life!

I asked what was it like on the road? His reply was 'it flies, it pulls, it revs' and was very happy how it ran. The proof was in the pudding, forget the figures it's how it rides on the road. But kept going on about the low readings and wouldn't listen to all the advice I was giving. He queried our statement the 'RT kit can double a standard engines performance' when I asked what would a standard Li150 do in horse power he agreed 6-7bhp so the figures was about right especially if he did as he was told. So yesterdays little dyno of the standard 150 help prove what I was saying. The phone went down seemingly happy.

Then I get another email asking all the same questions saying he was hoodwinked into buying the kit because of printed figures in Germany. I again explained the exhaust and carb is holding back the kit. Again I got 'yeahbutnobut' so I said it again to help out and I got 'yeahbutnobut' by now I loosing the will to live! Then he drops - he bought the kit and carb and filter elsewhere, he hadn't bought anything from us and had wasted a hour or so already on him as he wasn't listening! At that he said because I was the designer I should answer these questions! So I explained he needed to go where he bought the parts from and the chances are he will get the same answers I have already given 4 or 5 times!

Then it was another long winded email saying he was going to put his grievances up on the forums to expose us! Now as soon as anyone threatens me in private or in public - I'm out of here the conversation stops.

So he goes on one forum and states his side but forgets to say all the help I have given. And he gets some decent replies for the RT kit with higher figures and they got 'yeahbutnobut'

All the time he was still emailing me and I was still saying it's the god dam jetting, filter and exhaust' 'why you no wisten'? And I got back 'why are you not listening to me' As he was doing this after telling me he wished he had gone for another 190 kit the next email was one from a guy who had such kit and was complaining how crap it was, so passed that on to the 'Yeahbutnobut' who again didn't listen.

He than started with the same questions to Germany who supplied the parts. We had taken power figures off our web site last year because as soon as you say it will do x-y-z people hold you to it to every letter. Now do you think any engine manufacturer would print dyno power and speed figures using the worst exhaust on the market with a carb well over jetted etc. No they bloody well don't they set them up as we did perfectly to show what is capable when set up correctly.

Now I did offer to strip his engine and said 'if I find anything wrong I will charge him at full price and if I didn't find anything wrong I wouldn't charge'! Guess what not a reply to that one....... I had given up.

Then I'm copied into emails from Germany to this customer, the threats of forums was carried out but no mention to what I had gone through with him many times. Even the Germans told him the same areas to look at. But oh no it was 'yeahbutnobutyeahbutnobut' Honestly you can help some people.

So now he's stated damaging statements, didn't explain all that we had told him and generally made a fool of himself – but as usual the same usual suspects jump on the thread offering their expert advice.

Remember there's always two sides to every story and it's great with these keyboard warriors these days. The damage is done, the ones in the know, knows he's a fool, others take it with a pinch of salt, but others believe and others use it as canon fodder to shit stir and slander our company.

The proof is in the pudding, here we have 2 dyno graphs the first one is from our UK based dyno with Rob Millers GT190 kit and 25mm carb and MB Clubman. Robs motor has been run all over the place, it's a little rich as Rob knows as I've explained to this mister we all need to over jet a bit to be safe it's a 2-stroke!

On Robs graph we did an afternoons testing carb filters here's some but not all of our findings some things are secret, it shows the difference a filter can make with no jetting altered.

Yellow line - the best power output with no filter ie cleaner jetting

Red line - breath sweet filter, lower power through the range

Blue line- standard air filter box slightly altered

It clearly shows no filter raises something like 0.5 – 1bhp across the rev range as I told this guy on the first day! Unlike some advise on forums the Breath Sweet isn't as good as people suggest and quiet surprisingly the modified air box with standard air bellows isn't as bad as people make out. Of course this is on one bike others may vary, I'm showing it as an example to the advice I had been giving when he wasn't bloody listening!

Today Scooter Center sent me the 2nd graph.

This is a RT 195 kit fitted with another 25mm, the 3 low runs are with filter fitted, the clean line is with no filter and look a massive 4bhp improvement and another 1000rpm increase in performance.

Look I don't want to keep going one my fingers hurt tapping away.

People need to give a bit more respect and accept I know a little bit about Scooters as I have done them for a long period of time. If you want to take us on make sure you can back up your complaint because we certainly know what we are talking about. Nuff said till next time.


@ Dodge 440:

Bitte Dein copy & paste als Zitat kennzeichnen!


Viel geschrieben hat er ja, aber eine Hilfestellung kann ich da nicht herausrauslesen. :satisfied:


Das der Mark da auch gleich wieder nen Roman verfassen muss um sich für den Literaturnobelpreisträger zu nominieren.

Wesentlich war das er dieses Geschwür von Luftfilter runter machte und der Motor dann endlich atmen könnte, so hab Ichs verstanden.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

das geschwür von filter bei barri war doch ein sacki knie mit sackie filter aka sweet breast oder so....und das fährt clash one wohl auch.

genau dieser filter machte bei max bratwurst 1ps aus.


die tests vom center auf der RT owners page bzw. die digramme sind mit PX gummi etc.

Bearbeitet von gravedigger

das geschwür von filter war doch ein sacki knie mit sackie filter aka sweet breast oder so....und das fährt clash one wohl auch.

Hast Recht...hab da wohl was missverstanden

Dachte der hätte das als Luftfilter

Entschuldigt bitte




Hat jemand Erfahrungen mit einem LI125 Getriebe (spanisch) und 18/46 bei dem 195 RT (30er Dellorto und PM 25).

Laut Gear Box Rechner komme ich auf 6,23 im 3. und 4,71 im 4.

Ziel ist ein Vollgasfestes Touren Setup.


Ok, Danke.


Dann eben 17/46 mit 81er Kette.

Falls das zu Mau wird kann ich ja easy runter auf 16/46.

Also muss die 81er Kette ran.

Spricht was gegen die Iris Kette vom SCK? Bzw. wer kann ein halbes Glied ordentlich vernieten?

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