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Hello, I'm working on an enlarged mudguard for smallframes.


The main idea was to create a good 3D model, to make it machined using polyurethane foam to create a master and then create a fiber model.


If someone is interested by the project, I share the 3D file. It's not a definitive model, I still have to check if it is enough enlarged to fit a racing shock on pk steering column.


Don't hesitate to post your comment to make it evolve.









You can find the 3D files here:







Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

nICE, thanks for sharing! 


The file you´ve uploadet near to original i guess?!


A few days ago ive seen an extremely nice welded and painted v50 shock absorber housing as an round extention on the mudguard.


The only thing that i usually dont like on the version you want to realize is that the whole vespa looks so asymetrically from the front. If i think on it i can take a photo this weekend from a v50 with simply extended mudguard by steching (what is quite similar but a quite more rustical way than your solution).


greetings karl

Bearbeitet von Der_Karl

The mudguard is exactly the same than the original, I have only enlarged the shock absorver area on the right side, so yes it's a bit asymetric but I kept the rib so that it should look nice.


Nice solution, looks better than the usual dent on V50 mudguards on PK column I guess :-) If you want to keep the look original you should maybe think about adding the seam on top of the mudguard.

If you ever start producing one of these, please contact me :-D

  • 2 Wochen später...
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Do you mean... something like that??








I have made 2 parts (lh + rh) of the original Sf mudguard and 2 parts (lh + rh) of the modificated mudguard. You can made the mudguard with left or right modification... to use in SKR, QUARTZ  steering column (left modification) or to use in PK, PX  steering column (right modification).


What you think??? 

Bearbeitet von gommon

You need more slope to demold the mudgard, further the form could easily made lower (If you have ever bought the Foam you need for making CFK Parts, you will construct automatically with as few foam as possible :-) )


You need more slope to demold the mudgard, further the form could easily made lower (If you have ever bought the Foam you need for making CFK Parts, you will construct automatically with as few foam as possible :-) )

 No, no... this slope is correct. I have made another mold parts like this one (wood mold) and it is easy to demold.

First I made LH part and made the RH part in CFK, than close the 2 piece parts of the mold and complete the parting line with CFK to finish.


Do you mean... something like that??








I have made 2 parts (lh + rh) of the original Sf mudguard and 2 parts (lh + rh) of the modificated mudguard. You can made the mudguard with left or right modification... to use in SKR, QUARTZ  steering column (left modification) or to use in PK, PX  steering column (right modification).


What you think??? 



Nice Idea, hope one of you finishes this project, I am looking forward to see this type of mudguard on a real fork :-)

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