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Reed manifolds, cylinder, shockabsorber and more...

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That's impressive stuff.


Please don't get me wrong, but I don't think it should read "Polini" on YOUR inlet manifold. From what I hear Polini can be touchy about thing like that. Could you please change this?

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

An other Point of view:

That is a perfect pattern for every chinese manufactor to copy the polini-evo cylinder...

Perhaps you should design a few bad details in the cylinder - an 82% wide exhaustport for example  :-D

Bearbeitet von Tim Ey

You're right Polini wouldn't be happy to find fake files on the network for product that are still on production.


As for the Chinese I don't know if this kind of file would really help them, they usually prefer to rebuilt a model from the beginning.


I'm going to resctrict the sharing to here with a google doc link for the Vespa stuffs.

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