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Sounds from the Shelter - neuer Ska / Reggae Podcast

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Sounds from the Shelter vol.18 - Reggae Hot Shots vol. 2


1 * Prince Buster * Linger on * JA Prince buster
2 * The Dynamics * The burner * UK Punch
3 * Larry Marshall * Money girl * UK Nu Beat
4 * Derrick Morgan * Belly woman * JA (Blank)
5 * The Tennors * Reggae girl * UK Big Shot
6 * Derrick Morgan * Me nah give up * UK Pyramid
7 * The Kingstonians * Mix it up * Uk Trojan
8 * The Creations * Qua kue shut * UK Punch
9 * The Ethiopians * Not me * JA Upsetter
10 * Dennis Walks * The drifter * GE Ariola
11 * The Maytals * I got a pain * JA Wildbells
12 * The Kingstonians * Sufferer * NL Negram
13 * Prince Buster * Sunshine with my girl * UK Blue Beat
14 * Lloyd Briscoe * Jonah (the master) * UK Island
15 * The Cats * What can I do * UK Crystal
16 * The Versatiles * Worries a yard * GE Ariola
17 * Owen & Leon * How many times * UK Island
18 * The Kingstonians * Hold down * NL Negram
19 * Derrick Morgan * Return of Jack Slade * UK Unity
20 * Richard Ace * Hang 'em high * Uk Trojan
21 * Roland Russell * Rhythm Hips * UK Pama Economy (LP)
22 * The Gladiators * The train is coming back * Uk Doctor Bird
23 * Lloyd & Devon * Red bumb ball * JA Hop
24 * The Uniques * Love and devotion * UK Gas



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