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For the restoration of my VNB1T, I need some info about the rear light.

Can anybody tell me which light is mounted on a VNB1T of 1960 ??


Is it the left light with chrome plating ?

Or is it the right hand side light with a blue paint finishing ?

Please do confirm left or right, and if possible with a confirmation picture.

Many thanks for your kind cooperation.


De Winter Luc



T4, you did not understand the question :

Of course the light is painted from the outside for VNB1T.

The question is : how does the inside look ? Chrome or painted ???


T4, you did not understand the question :

Of course the light is painted from the outside for VNB1T.

The question is : how does the inside look ? Chrome or painted ???


Sorry, but this question is different from the question you wrote in the starting article ...

And another sorry: my VNB1 has no original taillight. But I assume the whole taillight-"chassis" was painted and the two reflectors were attached later in production.

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