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Empfohlene Beiträge


The frame from my 1960 vespa GL is sandblasted but they discovered quite a lot of deeprustspots in the sidecowls. How are these to be fixed before the scooter can be painted? I know you can do it with putty but I alos hear that after an amount of time the stuff expands and you can see it underneath the paintwork..

I really want to do a beautiful restoration so I hope this problem can be fixed..



For a perfect result ( and from what I read, you intend to do so), there`s no way around a bit of welding and cutting out the rusty parts. And I think you can get completely new sidecowls somewhere. I hope someone here knows where to find them.

- gonzo



I read in their catalogue that Koln scooter centre sells new ones..Does anyone if these fit perfectly (They are VNA/VBB but thats the same as VBB right?) and are they of good quality? I know a lot of this stuff is manufactered in Asia and in shit quality..



You need to heat the tin to get it in place. The temperature is to high for the primer and the tin has to connect to the bare metall. So this solution will not work if allready primed. I think the epoxy filler is the only thing you can do, if you don´t want your scooter to be primed again.

- gonzo


How good are you in doing such things? :-D

It will take some time before you are satisfied with the result and to be honest, it´s not for beginners ( I wouln´t do it). When finished, the result will be something between very nice and perfect, depending on what has to be done. But bare in mind, that changing the complete thing is a lot of work as well, if you can´t do it on your own it will be expensive as well ( at least her in germany). Everything has to be made "perfect fit", but at the end i think you are better off changing them.

Keep us informed about the progress ( a few pics would be nice :-( )

- gonzo

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