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I mean

There will be a lot better than the original cylinder head?

You will make more power?

You will make more torque?


What a shame they don't mill a groove for the sealing in to it as well.


What is the difference compared to the latest Malossi cylinder head, the squish area seems to have the same width. Is the spheric area smaller to get higher compression?


How can anybody judge if the MMW is suitable, if nobody can explain the difference to the original head.


To me it looks quite similar to the latest Malossi head. Only thing I can't tell about is the compression ratio, because I must admit I don't know the original compression ratio of the Malossi. SIP mentions something about 11,5 for the MMW, though the head is for both, the 139 and the 166 should have different ratios because of the differing stroke. I suppose the 11,5 is referred to the 166. SIP's description is rather useless maybe User "Gravedigger" has more Info about MMW Parts?

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