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vespa px 150/o-tuning


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hi people


I am from Croatian, like Vespas and I have a lot of them
I found on your site instructions for tuning 200 engines.but I dont find instructions for 150 engines.
My engine is runing with scootrs exaust, and am interested in light tuning for the engine


i understand german but I am bad at writing.



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Hi ricardo,

It is basically The same. Higher your compression, and give it More exhaust time by Wirkung in The exhaust. You can skim The upper sie of The cylinder, and put a spacer beyond it. Try "Steuerzeiten Rechner" at google , to See how much. Port times of 120 to 170 or 125 to 175 shoul be achieved. I would propose the lml 150cc 5- port cylinder and some block grinding - it is cheap and a mich better base. Look at 150er 100km/h motor in this forum, and you will geht further information...


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