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Hello everybody,
I'm working on a racing simulation software based on timesheets.
Basically, I 'scan' timesheets of races that occurred, I retrieve names, numbers and time of pilots,
I draw a path on the track, and I put all these people on track:-D 
The objective is to achieve simulate a semi-direct race, with 2/3 laps of lateness for people which have to stay at home a race day, which is not retransmitted on tv :-D
If you have followed a race at home, refreshing this f..ing html page displaying a boring timesheet, you know what I'm talking about :-D
For now I use Google translator and I've only scanned the races of the 13rd Scootentole Challenge at Mirecourt,
It's a draft for the moment, there's still some display bugs, but it's starting to turn round.
You can select a 'scanned' race

You can zoom on a pilot
The demo is there :
Let me know what do you think about this?
Could you please reply me in English (or even better in French :-D)
If I have misplaced this post, a moderator could move it into the good section ?
Janky Pud
Bearbeitet von Janky Pud
  • Like 1

Could be interesting.


Which kind of transponder and system do you use?


I understand that because of the time difference between the scooters after each lap you calculate the position of the scooters.

How it would look like at an endurance? the same? The different laps you can see only at the list, isn`t it.




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