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Hello there,

For starters, sorry for the english but its because I dont speak german- I am writing all the way from Lisbon ;)

I am restoring my VESPA SS180 VSC1T 1968 front shock absorbers and I am having a hard time finding the parts for it and I was wondering if you could help me.

I would like to have the original one restored or something identical. But a new shock identical to this one will be very expensive - About € 150 by the time it arrives at my door - and the cheaper ones are not identical ...


Do you know of where I can buy the kits for reparation of the front shock?

I will need new o'rings and seals and maybe a new spring and especial oil...


I leave you some pics of my Stoßdämpfer in process fo reparation

(By the way! What do you think about this spring?? I never saw a SS180 front shock with 2 springs!... I think someone was very creative... ;)


Any help would be veeeeery apreciated!

Muito obrigado







I have rebuilt shortly the step seal from the front shock from my 180SS. For that I have used a radial seal ring with the dimensions 20 x 8 x 6, one O-ring diameter 23mm and 2,5mm thickness and one O-ring wirh diameter 17,8mm and 2,65mm thickness. As oil I have used fork oil for motor bikes.

The seals on the picture are the old ones..


All other parts from this shock absorber have been in good shape.

I had only one spring in my shock


I still have one set of that seals.



Nice greetings to Lisbon,



  • 3 Wochen später...


I have rebuilt shortly the step seal from the front shock from my 180SS. For that I have used a radial seal ring with the dimensions 20 x 8 x 6, one O-ring diameter 23mm and 2,5mm thickness and one O-ring wirh diameter 17,8mm and 2,65mm thickness. As oil I have used fork oil for motor bikes.

The seals on the picture are the old ones..


All other parts from this shock absorber have been in good shape.

I had only one spring in my shock


I still have one set of that seals.



Nice greetings to Lisbon,


Hi gs-racer! Thanks for those tips! big help :)


Your seals look just a little different from the ones in my front shock (see pics in the end)... Im wondering if they are the same model because i read somewhere that the GS160/SS180 had two different type of shock absorber - that had differences in the type of sealing... I really dont know any details and am just wondering...

Anyway, what you did to you front shock sounds great! You replaced all the rubber seals and changes the type of oil.

I read here (http://www.scooterlounge.com/vespa/repair-guides/gs_shock_rebuild.shtml) that the oil should be "seal swell oil" so not to damage the original rubber seals... but I guess if we change all the seals they will the kind of rubberl that works good with regular fork oil for motorcycles, right?


Do you still have that  extra set of seals with you? Send me a private message and maybe we can arrange a deal...

Im sure I can find the Orings around here but if it worked for your shock, it should work for mine

(By the way, what is a "radial seal ring" ??... ;)


About the 2 springs - I talked with a guy from a shock absorber shop and he told me that some shocks had 2 springs! And that was very new to me because I was really convinced that it had been a bad fix in the past... Now I'm completely confused...
Furthermore, I cannot find any reference to two springs in a GS160/SS180 front shock in the internet or in any manuals...


Thank you!



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