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First I deeply apologise for writing in English on a German forum, but I recently moved to Munich and I do not master the German language yet.

I am restoring a 1961 ACMA Type N with my cousin, in France, and I would like to import it to Bayern when it is ready, to use it myself (not to sell it).

It has all original paperwork from 1961, and it is in good conditions. However I am considering swapping the engine for a PX engine, in order to get a bit more power, and proper 12v lighting. The original engine is in very condition and I will keep it. 

My question is: Do I need to present it to TUF with the original engine and condition (It has no brake lights, turn signal...) in order to get it registered in Germany?

If not, can I get it approved with a PX engine (original)? 

Any help would be greatly appreciated! I can even meet in Munich and take care of the beers if anyone is local and willing to help.




You need TÜV §21 report. In original condition it`s no problem to get the report and to legalize it with a Munich-numberplate.


With a built in engine >125ccm You will need indicators. There's no chance of an exception to legalize it in Munich.


You will need indicators after the 01.01.1962.
Before that date, it is allowed to drive without them....it than doesn´t matter how much cc.
With no papers, they will write down the 01.07 as the first date of registration in the papers.
So if you tell them, it is from 1961, you will get the date 01.07.1961 in your new papers and won´t need turning signals.

If you tell them it is from 1962- they will write 01.07.1962 and you will need them....


Ooops, i did not notice the year of built. :rotwerd:

Gattinators tells the truth. Older than 1.1.62 there`s no need of indicators.


Otherwise it might be a risk, to try the §21-report without evidence for a not original engine in that chassis. :satisfied:

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Anyone with experience regarding §21-report with a different engine? I also read that a side mirror to the left is required. 

Bearbeitet von julienlebas

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