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How to get more out of orig. px125

I do not want to replace cylinder

I do not want to replace the crankshaft


There is reason to modify the cylinder? How?

Exhaust sito plus is, it would be good for it?

Did SI24 carburator?

Any idea?


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

It's not worth the effort. What do you expect from tuning the original cylinder? Any other cylinder will have more power just plug and play than a heavily modified original 125 Cylinder, wich would also be a whole lot of extra work.


Just get a DR177 Kit, longer primary gear and a bigger main jet in the SI20. With this you will have a good amount of extra power and a still original looking and sounding engine.


Pipedesign managed to squeeze out almost 14HP from a 125 by rising the cylinder. They mention at least a bigger carburetor, but they probably modified the crank-shaft too. In fact they don't even say a word about wether it's still on rotary valve or already on reed valve. The exhaust port will be widened also. I still wouldn't want to ride this engine, it creates under 2HP before 5500RPM as you see in the chart at the bottom of their website. Overall this would be a lot of work with an expensive and noisy exhaust, creating an uncomfortable engine to ride.




maybe someone here has experience with Sip Road on the px125, wich i would recommend over the crappy Sito+, but I assume any tuning exhaust isn't worth the money on a original cylinder.

Bearbeitet von mika4real

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