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T2 Clutch Cable

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Hello everyone,


I have a question about the clutch cable on a T2 (and VS1).


First of all, I apologize for writing in English. I don't think I can make Google Translate work well enough.


I understand that the clutch cable travels through the headset and out of the same hole that the throttle cable. Then it enters the frame tube (with the throttle cable) and then connects to the clutch arm.


My question is, should the clutch be so very stiff? I've rebuilt many Vespas, but never have found one this difficult to use. My theory is that the cable has so many turns that it is creating friction.  I don't think I have too much or too little cable either.


I appreciate your feedback.


Mike McWilliams


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First make sure the cable isn't twisted or "dented/buckled/folded". If that didn't solve the problem, make sure the inner cable is lubricated and easy to push and pull. Its easy to check that, right before you connect the cable to the clutch arm. If these points are all good, your problem will most likely be the clutch itself.

Bearbeitet von FNader
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Hi, I have a T2 and a VS1. Both scooters need very high force to pull the clutch because of the narrow bending radius of the cable inside the head set. 

I confirm that the friction of the cable is significantly higher than at any other Vespa model.

You can improve this by filing away some cast material inside the head set in the area, where the cable comes out and by using modern and best quality teflon coated bicycle cables.

Best wishes,


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